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"Let me consider." "Not with a walking-stick I don't care to see that. lt must be a real sword." "Yes, I know; and I have no sword here; but I think I could get one by the evening. Now, will you do this?" "O no, indeed!" said Bathsheba, blushing." Thank you very much, but I couldn't on any account. "Surely you might? Nobody would know." She shook her head, but with a weakened negation.

Walkingshaw stood very solemnly studying the bark on an entirely ordinary pine, concluding his scrutiny by hitting it a sharp smack with his walking-stick and turning away from the sight of it with apparent distaste. However, a minute or two later he seemed to find one he liked better, for he placed his back against it, removed his hat, and gazed upwards at the softly murmuring branches.

Carrington did not so much as turn his head. He put his walking-stick under his arm, and rubbed the knuckles of his left hand with rueful tenderness. None the less he looked pleased; it was gratifying to a slight man of his sedentary habit to have knocked down such a large, round Pomeranian Briton with such exquisite neatness.

Monsieur No, no. I am kind-hearted, but I should reproach myself Will you have your walking-stick, dear? Monsieur I don't care. How much do you want of that abomination a franc's worth, thirty sous' worth, a louis' worth? Madame You know very well that I would not make an abuse of it-only a sou's worth. I have some sous for mass; here, take one. Adieu, Alfred; be quick; be quick!

The auctioneer adjusted himself to circumstances by using his walking-stick as a hammer, and knocked down the lot on any convenient object that took his fancy, such as the crown of a little boy's head, or the shoulders of a by-stander who had no business there except to taste the brew; a proceeding which would have been deemed humorous but for the air of stern rigidity which that auctioneer's face preserved, tending to show that the eccentricity was a result of that absence of mind which is engendered by the press of affairs, and no freak of fancy at all.

Then, looking around, she began to feel interested in a man of military bearing, apparently some sixty years of age, who was walking about among the sick pilgrims. With a square-shaped head and white bushy hair, he would still have looked sturdy if he had not dragged his left foot, throwing it inward at each step he took. With the left hand, too, he leant heavily on a thick walking-stick.

And then he saw to his amazement that Miss Cuyler was still with him, standing by the curb and beating it with his heavy walking-stick as calmly as though she were playing golf, and looking keenly up and down the street for possible aid. Van Bibber gazed at her with breathless admiration. "Good heavens!" he panted, "didn't I ask you please to go home?"

He seemed trying to keep it quiet. He kept on talking, and I couldn't make out what he was driving at. I was looking at his clothes, wondering what the deuce he had concealed there. At last something came out of his rags. Talk about making you jump! It really did look like the head of a snake. It was, too, but attached to a walking-stick sort of handle. A scaly head it was, in some shiny material.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to give her a sense of pity for human woes wait a minute, though: that's a pretty broad book for young ladies. I guess we'll put it aside and see what else there is. Some of Mr. Mosher's catalogues: fine! they'll show her the true spirit of what one book-lover calls biblio-bliss. Walking-Stick Papers yes, there are still good essayists running around.

What do you think would be said there to the messenger who craved patience of you? Oh, they know too well in Paris a rataplan from the walking-stick on his back, that would be the answer; and a, 'My good fellow, we are not hiring professors of patience, but legs." "But, husband, you must remember we do not hire Pompey. He only does it to oblige us, out of his kindness." "Oblige us! Oblige me!