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Ces couches sont très-remarquables par leur contenue, qui est le même au-dessus et au-dessous de la lave, et qu'on retrouve dans les couches d'une grande étendue de pays, ou, comme d'ordinaire, on voit leurs sections abruptes dans les flancs de collines, mais sans lave, excepté dans le lieu indiqué

"I like Ralph Denham," she replied. "Ca se voit," William returned, with superficial urbanity. Many retorts were obvious, but wishing, on the whole, for peace, Katharine merely inquired: "Are you coming back to tea?" "Cassandra and I thought of having tea at a little shop in Portland Place," he replied. "I don't know whether you and Denham would care to join us."

It was a case of parler de l'ane et l'on en voit les oreilles. At a turn in the road they saw Mr. Preston a little way before them, coming towards them on his good horse, point device, in his riding attire. The earl, in his thread-bare coat, and on his old brown cob, called out cheerfully, 'Aha! here's Preston. Good-day to you.

Shorne and Mrs. Melville saw her vulgarity now! By the new light of knowledge, how certain they were that they had seen her ungentle training in a dozen little instances. 'She is not well-bred, 'cela se voit', said Lady Jocelyn. 'Bred! it's the stage! How could such a person be bred? said Mrs. Shorne.

At a time when I most assiduously frequented this school of ancient literature, I thus expressed my opinion of a learned and various collection, which since the year 1759 has been doubled in magnitude, though not in merit "Une de ces societes, qui ont mieux immortalise Louis XIV. qu un ambition souvent pernicieuse aux hommes, commengoit deja ces recherches qui reunissent la justesse de l'esprit, l'amenete & l'eruditlon: ou l'on voit iant des decouvertes, et quelquefois, ce qui ne cede qu'a peine aux decouvertes, une ignorance modeste et savante."

Il y a encore dans la même église, et dans des cercueils de bois, plusieurs corps saints qui sont entiers: les voit qui veut. L'un d'eux avoit eu la tête coupée; on lui en a mis une d'un autre saint Au reste les Grecs ne portent point

" And the same feeling was shared by the Parisians in general, and embodied by M. Imbert, a courtly poet, whose odes were greatly in vogue in the fashionable circles, in an epigram which was set to music and sung in the theatres. "Pour toi, France, un dauphin doit naître, Une Princesse vient pour en être témoin, Sitôt qu'on voit une grâce paraître, Croyez que l'amour n'est pas loin.

"I will sing 'L'Enfant du Bon Dieu," she said pompously. She stood up, with her square shoulders like those of a man, and began: "L'Enfant perdu que sa mere abandonne, Troue toujours un asile au Saint lieu, Dieu qui le voit, le defend de son trone, L'Enfant perdu, c'est L'Enfant du bon Dieu."

Of far greater interest is the small map of Louis Joliet, made and presented to Count Frontenac immediately after the discoverer's return from the Mississippi. It is entitled Carte de la decouuerte du Sr. Jolliet ou l'on voit La Communication du fleuue St. Laurens auec les lacs frontenac, Erie, Lac des Hurons et Ilinois.

It is easterly, and betokens a storm!" and with drunken gravity he commenced singing a hunting refrain of Louis XIV.: "'Sitot qu'il voit sa Chienne Il quitte tout pour elle." Bigot burst out into immoderate laughter. "Cadet," said he, "you are, when drunk, the greatest ruffian in Christendom, and the biggest knave when sober.