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Dressed for dinner and the theatre, his mother would look into the children's sitting-room to find Mary reading, George reading, Martha, very conscious of being there on sufferance, also reading virtuously and attentively. "Good-night, my darlings! You're going to bed promptly at nine, aren't you, Mary and Gogo, too? You know we were all late last night," Alice would say, coming in. "I am!"

And, O king, Indra, well-pleased, governed the people virtuously. Thus was misery endured by Indra with his wife. And with the view of slaying his foes, even he had to pass a period in concealment. Thou shouldst not take it to heart that thou, O king of kings, hast suffered with Draupadi as also with thy high-minded brothers in the great forest.

"Less talking there!" he announces severely, "or I shall have to stand you all at attention!" There is immediate silence there is nothing the matter with Bobby's discipline and the outraged M'Micking has to content himself with a homicidal glare in the direction of M'Leary, who is now hanging virtuously upon his officer's lips.

Her voice died on a dead silence. Miss Thornton, beginning to gather up veil and gloves and handbag scattered on the table, pursed her lips virtuously. Miss Cashell manicured steadily. Miss Sherman bit off a thread. "It's nothing at all!" said Elsie Kirk, at last. "My sister's got a headache, that's all, and she doesn't feel well." She patted the bowed shoulders.

For great dissensions, and those in most instances justifiable, arise when some request is made of friends which is improper, as, for instance, that they should become either the ministers of their lust or their supporters in the perpetration of wrong; and they who refuse to do so, it matters not however virtuously, yet are accused of discarding the claims of friendship by those persons whom they are unwilling to oblige; but they who dare to ask anything of a friend, by their very request seem to imply that they would do anything for the sake of that friend; by the complaining of such persons, not only are long-established intimacies put an end to, but endless animosities are engendered.

How may I secure the goodwill of the citizens so that they may not destroy us to the roots? O, tell us all, since thou art conversant with every excellent expedient. Therefore, O monarch, according to the best of thy power, cherish thou virtuously thy own sons and those of Pandu.

I never did any harm or sin in all my life yet, and don't intend to: and my poor boy Julian's well enough, if they'd only let him alone; but nobody understands his heart but me. Good boy, I'm sure there's virtue enough left in him, if he loves his mother." If he loves his mother. Forgive me this, my wife." "Never, sir!" rejoined that miserable mind; and fancied that she was acting virtuously.

Of course I'm not going to say anything to Clay. He has enough to worry him now," she added, virtuously. Suddenly Rodney stooped and kissed her, almost savagely. "Then I'm going," he said. And to her great surprise he went. Alone in his room up-stairs Rodney had, in his anger, a glimpse of insight. He saw her, her life filled with small emotions, lacking the courage for big ones.

"I can't force you to go if it bores you, but I shan't take it back. You can throw it in the fire or even take it virtuously to the Gruenebaums. I don't care. Good-night!" He left Christophe in the middle of the street, ticket in hand, and went away. Christophe was unhappy about it. He said to himself that he ought to take it to the Gruenebaums: but he was not keen about the idea.

I lodged a complaint with one of our reverend Shaikhs, saying: "A certain person has borne testimony against my character on the score of lasciviousness." He answered, "Shame him by your continence. Be thou virtuously disposed, that the detractor may not have it in his power to indulge his malignity.