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The lack of realistic local color in these pastorals has frequently been criticized, on the supposition that Vergil wrote them while at home in Mantua, and ought, therefore, to have given true pictures of Mantuan scenery and characters. His home country was and is a monotonous plain.

It would almost appear that Vergil now drew his themes for lampoons from Cicero's unforgettable phrases, as Catullus had done some fifteen years before. If Servius is correct, we have here again a reminder of those stormy years. This, too, is a dagger drawn from Cicero's armory.

Mollitudo does not find favor in any of his own work, or in his criticism of other men's work. Vergil, therefore, though he appears in this Augustan coterie as an important member, is still felt to be something of a free lance who adheres to Alexandrian art not wholly in accord with the standards which are now being formulated.

There was a good deal of friendly argument among the men as to which should go in last, and while they were crossing the hall from the living-room to the dining-room Vergil Gunch made them laugh by thundering, "If I can't sit next to Myra Babbitt and hold her hand under the table, I won't play I'm goin' home." In the dining-room they stood embarrassed while Mrs.

Albert sprang up to take the wood from her arms. "I wish you'd let me do that," he said, pleadingly, as she refused his aid. "I wasn't sure you were in. Were you reading?" "Cæsar," he replied, holding up the book. "I am conditioned on Latin. I'm going over the 'Commentaries' again." "I thought I knew the book," she laughed. "You read Latin?" "Yes, a little Vergil."

Vergil mentions brands for marking cattle with their owner's name; probably this kind of brass stamp, but larger. I could cite many more examples of ancient engraving which would yield impressions on paper, either by pressure or friction.

He was undoubtedly one of the first word-artists who ever lived and wrote, but he was a great deal more than that; he was a great mystic, a man whose mind moved in a shining cloud of inspiration. He had the constitution and the temperament of a big Lincolnshire yeoman, with that simple rusticity that is said to have characterised Vergil.

Vergil is, of course, not greatly concerned in deriding Atticism itself: to this school Vergil must have felt less aversion than to Antony's flowery style; it is the perversion of the doctrine that amuses the poet. Taken in conjunction with other hints, these two poems show us where the poet's sympathies lay during those years of terror.

Vergil Gunch thundered, "When we manage to grab this celebrated Thespian off his lovely aggregation of beautiful actresses and I got to admit I butted right into his dressing-room and told him how the Boosters appreciated the high-class artistic performance he's giving us and don't forget that the treasurer of the Dodsworth is a Booster and will appreciate our patronage and when on top of that we yank Hizzonor out of his multifarious duties at City Hall, then I feel we've done ourselves proud, and Mr.

He accordingly draws in all his moneys on the Calends on the Ides he lends them out again! What Vergil wrote Horace when he received a copy of the Epode, we are not told, but in his next work, the Georgics, he returned the compliment by similarly threading Horace's phrases into a description of country life a passage that is indeed one of the most successful in the book.