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"I mean to go off to-morrow on a shooting trip to the lake," said Dan Davidson to Archie Sinclair. "I've had a long spell at farming operations of late, and am tired of it. The double wedding, you know, comes off in six weeks. So I want to have one more run in the wilderness in all the freedom of bachelorhood. Will you go with me?" "`Unpossible, as Jenkins would say," answered Archie.

On this being translated Mark looked at the Man of the Sea, and could with difficulty restrain a burst of laughter at the expression of his countenance. "What!" exclaimed Hockins, "me play my whistle afore this here Court? Unpossible!" "You'll have to try," said Mark, "unless you wish for instant banishment or something worse!" "Oh!

I'd take a bet now, ye wosn't at school as long as I've been settin' on this here windlass." "Yer about right, Sling, it 'ud be unpossible for me to be as long as you anywhere, 'cause everybody knows I'm only five fut two, whereas you're six fut four!" "Hear, hear!" shouted Dick Barnes a man with a huge black beard, who the reader may perhaps remember was the first to "raise the oil."

Though Hester and she never discussed Edward's character, more or less though Hester's love for him, and Margaret's respect for that love, rendered all such conversation unpossible, Margaret was perfectly well aware that Hester's conviction on this particular point was the same as her own that Hester had discovered that she had not fully understood her husband, and that there remained a region of his character into which she had not yet penetrated.

"But w'en a thing's done, an' can't be undone, then it's unpossible, that's wot it is; and wot's unpossible there's no use o' tryin' for to do. 'Cause why? it only wastes yer time an' frets yer sperrit that's my opinion." Not one of the party ventured to smile as was their wont in happier circumstances at the philosophy of their comrade's remark.

It is unpossible for me to follow that great sporting scholar fairly over the ridge and furrow of his werry intricate and elegant horation, for there are many of those fine gentlemen's names French, I presume that he mentioned, that I never heard of before, and cannot recollect; but if you will allow me to run 'eel a little, I would make a few hobservations on a few of his hobservations. Mr.

"Why thin now do you think me sich a born nathral as to give in to that? as if the ringin' iv the bell, barrin' it was a blissed bell, could do the like. I tell you it's unpossible." "Ah, nothin' 's unpossible to God." "Sure I wasn't denyin' that; but I say the bell is unpossible."

'Is that you, Sam? inquired Mr. Winkle, springing out of bed. 'Quite unpossible to identify any gen'l'm'n vith any degree o' mental satisfaction, vithout lookin' at him, Sir, replied the voice dogmatically. Mr. Winkle, not much doubting who the young man was, unlocked the door; which he had no sooner done than Mr.

I was shovin' Eve about the roads in the bath-chair, as you know I've bin doin' ever since I entered your service, w'en a gen'lem'n come up and axed all about us. `Would ye like a sitivation among the North Sea fishermen? says he. `The very ticket, says I. `Come to Lun'on to-night, then, says he. `Unpossible, says I, fit to bu'st wi' disappointment; `'cos I must first shove Miss Eve home, an' git hold of a noo shover to take my place. `All right, says he, laughin'; `come when you can.

"Ah, but I tell you, as your lordship knows very well no one betther that it's a ticklish thing to bring a two year old to the post, in anything like condition with any running in him at all, and not hurt his legs." "But I think he's all right eh, Grady?" "Right? your lordship knows he's right. I wish he may be made righter at John Scott's, that's all. But that's unpossible."