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"Come, Phil, none o' yer chaff," cried Dick Barnes, "that song desarves somethin' arter it. Suppose now, Phil, that you wos to go below and fetch the bread-kid." "Couldn't do it," replied Phil, looking solemn, "on no account wotiver." "Oh, nonsense, why not?" "'Cause its unpossible. Why, if I did, sure that surly compound o' all sorts o' human blood would pitch into me with the carvin'-knife."

And when they looked up Leander was alone settin' there on the platform, kind of rubbin' his eyes alone." There was silence in the store. Josiah Nummler's pipe was going full blast, and while the white cloud hid him from the others, I could see a gentle smile on his fat face. "Mighty son's!" cried Henry Holmes, "that there's unpossible."

There they were with a disabled and waterlogged boat, in the middle of a district submerged for many miles, and surrounded beyond that by fever-stricken swamps, while the prospect of any craft happening to come along was remote indeed. For some minutes he smoked his pipe in silence. "You consider it impossible for us to make our escape through the wood." "Just unpossible, lad.

‘Why, what do you think, ma’am?’ inquired the inquisitive Agnes of her mistress, after they had been in the house some three hours; ‘what do you think, ma’am? the lady of the house is married.’ ‘Married!’ said Mrs. Bloss, taking the pill and a draught of Guinness‘married! Unpossible!’

"And now you see, my dear bredren, how unpossible to go to heaven with all the faith in the world, without charity. Charity mean, give away. Suppose you no give you no ab charity; suppose you no ab charity you no ab faith; suppose you no ab faith you all go to hell and be damned. Now den, let me see if you ab charity.

Buckram, thoughtfully, propping his chin up with his stick, and drawing all the half-crowns up to the top of his pocket again, 'the fust 'spicious thing I heard was Sir Digby Snaffle's grum, Sam, sayin' to Captain Screwley's bat-man grum, jist afore the George Inn door, "Well, Jack, Tommy's sold the brown oss!" "N O O R!" exclaimed Jack, starin' 'is eyes out, as if it were unpossible.

From this point there began a regular skirmish between the captain and the sisters; the one trying to convince the others that it would be doing him a favour for which he could never find words to thank them, and the others endeavouring to show by every sort of argument that the thing was utterly unpossible, that the captain little knew what a burden he proposed to take on his shoulders, and that there was no use whatever in talking about it.

"Hold hard," cried he, addressing the waterman; "I'll give the gentleman a lift." "Unpossible, master," rejoined Ben; "the tide's running down like a mill-sluice, and the wind's right in our teeth. Old saltwater was right. We shall have a reg'lar squall afore we gets across. D'ye hear how the wanes creaks on old Winchester House? We shall have a touch on it ourselves presently.

Of course, he abused the duke's place, and said he had been obliged to give him 'hup' at last, 'bein' quite an unpossible man to live with; indeed, his only wonder was, that he had been able to put hup with him so long. The duchess was a 'good cretur, he said, and, indeed, it was mainly on her account that he stayed, but as to the duke, he was everything that was bad, in short. Mr.

"Neaw, it's nah so unpossible os aw that," returned Nance; "yo 'n stare when ey tell yo he has robbed yo mony a time without your being aware on it. Yo were onwise enough to send him round to your friends to borrow money for yo." "True, so I was. But, luckily, no one would lend me any," said Nicholas.