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With one thing and another Jabez was so agitated as to be quite incapable of hurrying, and Kitty, who could harness or unharness a horse as well as any one, had to help him. She fastened the trace on one side, buckled up the girths, and finally clambered up into the carriage while Jabez was still fumbling with the bit and the reins.

"I told him if his servant would drive the carriage into the warehouse and unharness the near horse, that I would convince him that he was my animal. "The planter consented, and soon Velox was standing before us entirely free from his harness. I moved away from him about ten feet.

At dusk he reached a miserable tumble-down house on the edge of a pond. The faithful wife with the sad mouth and the habitual look of anxiety in her faded eyes came to the door at the sound of wheels and went doggedly to the horse-shed to help him unharness. "You didn't expect to see me back tonight, did ye?" he asked satirically; "leastwise not with this same horse? Well, I'm here!

A man coming north and a horse going east endeavored to cross the street at a given point, at one and the same moment. It proved an impossibility, and they er intersected." "Dreadful!" cried Miss Maddledock. "It so impressed me, else I had not dared to risk your Honor's displeasure by pausing to unharness the man." Mrs.

"Take out the horses, Timothy," cried Harry, "unharness them, and rub them down as quickly and as thoroughly as may be let them have four quarts each, and mind that all is ready for a start before an hour. Meantime, Frank, we will overhaul the game, get breakfast, and hunt up a wagon for the deer and setters."

Before we had time to unharness the mules the storm burst, and the rain descended in perfect torrents, accompanied by clouds of sand and vivid lightning. The thunder was terrific. As peal after peal echoed and reverberated over the vast plain, it sounded like the discharge of a park of artillery.

My companion, however, accepted the situation with apparent resignation, and I saw him commence to unharness his horse from the sled with the aspect of a man who thought a bare hill-top without food, fire, or clothes was the normal state of happiness to which a man might reasonably aspire at the close of an eighty-mile march, with out laying himself open to the accusation of being over effeminate.

"Yes, and I'm glad to get home. Do you know how to unharness a horse?" "Yes, sir." "Then jump out and unharness this horse. A man will come for it to- morrow." Herbert did as directed. Then he took his little trunk from the wagon, and went with it to the back door and knocked. The door was opened by an elderly woman, rather stout, who acted as Abner Holden's housekeeper.

"Oh, they think so now, at any rate," Christopher replied, as he turned away to unharness the patient horses. At breakfast, an hour or two later, he learned that his mother was in one of her high humours, and that, awaking early and prattling merrily of the past, she insisted that they should dress her immediately in her black brocade.

They can travel five or six hours without stopping; the first hour very rapidly, the second more slowly, and towards the fifth and sixth hours still more slowly, perhaps not more than eight or ten miles an hour, for by that time they require rest and food, and we unharness them in places where the snow is not deep, and let them get their food.