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Of course such days have very definitely passed; wherefore the engaging puzzle of certain survivals in Jimmie Time for I found him still a two-gun man. He wore them rather consciously sagging from his lean hips almost pompously, it seemed.

Then I slept on the problem of the Arrowhead's two-gun bad man. It seemed now pretty certain that the fatuous Boogles had grossly overpraised him. I must question his being the real doughnuts of any sort even the mildest much less the real Peruvian. But what was "'em" that in degrading punishment and to the public shame of the Arrowhead he must wear on the morrow? What, indeed, could "'em" be?

"I bet you daresn't get on him again," said Metta. These were strong words; not words to be flung lightly at Two-Gun Benson. "You know a lot about it, don't you?" parried Merton Gill. "Afraid of that old skate!" murmured Metta, counterfeiting the inflections of pity. Her target shot her a glance of equal pity for her lack of understanding and empty-headed banter.

General Hunt and others spoke slightingly of our guns, with two exceptions, Wright's Battery and Davenport's, which is mentioned as the two-gun battery. General Hunt the day before had accurately prepared to silence all these guns, except the Davenport Battery. General Hunt said he expected a company of infantry would take us in fifteen minutes after Pegram's Battery was gone.

For the two-gun man had seen his opportunity to make men forget that incident wherein he had figured so poorly against Nigger Jim, and had spurred his pony all the way to the county seat, where he told his story how he had seen the desperado sitting under the dwarf live-oaks, had stalked him as a man stalks big game, and shot him through the head.

"I'm running mate to Colonel Cody, and I've ridden herd on half the cows in Hocuspocus County, Wis.! I can sing The Star-Spangled Banner with my head under water, and eat a chain of frankforts two links a minute! I'm the riproaring original two-gun man from Tabascoville, and any gink who doubts it has no time to say his prayers!"

I am beginning to believe that I shall have to make him a 'two-gun' man. I understand they are supposed to be very good shots." "I've seen them that wasn't," he returned gravely and shortly. "How did you prove that?" she asked suddenly. But he was not to be snared. "I didn't say I'd proved it," he stated. "But I've seen it proved." "How proved?"

One or two of the meetings ended in riots. One meeting was finally broken up by a mob; everybody fought so that the speaking had to stop. Soon after this we reached another town where we were told there might be trouble. Here the local committee included an old and valued friend, a "two-gun" man of repute, who was not in the least quarrelsome, but who always kept his word.

Be fun to take in a show, but why the deuce do you want to see those darn foreign plays, given by a lot of amateurs? Why don't you wait for a regular play, later on? There's going to be some corkers coming: 'Lottie of Two-Gun Rancho, and 'Cops and Crooks' real Broadway stuff, with the New York casts. What's this junk you want to see? Hm. 'How He Lied to Her Husband. That doesn't listen so bad.

For answer the two-gun man turned and walked steadily in the direction of the man who had shouted. The latter's hand strayed uncertainly toward his own weapon, but the movement paused when the stranger's clear, steel eye rested on it. "This gentleman," pointed out the two-gun man softly, "is an old friend of mine. Don't you get to calling of him names." His eye swept the bystanders calmly.