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"There's always something doing in New York, you know." Tummas silently regarded him a moment or so. "It's a pity tha didn't go," he said." Happen tha'd never ha' coom back." Tembarom laughed the outright laugh. "Thank you," he answered. Tummas was still thinking the matter over and was not disturbed. "I was na thinkin' o' thee," he said in an impersonal tone. "I was thinkin' o' t' other chap.

"Call them A, and B," suggested Jimmy. "Den I hears him de foist mug strike a light, 'cos it's dark dere 'cos of de storm, an' den he says, 'Got youse, have I? he says. 'I've had my eye on youse, t'inkin' youse was up to somet'in' of dis kind. I've bin watching youse! I knew de voice. It's dat mug what calls himself Sir Tummas' vally. An' de odder " Jimmy burst into a roar of laughter.

"Rats!" ejaculated Tembarom. "What about multimillionaires?" He forgot that the age of Tummas was ten. It was impossible not to forget it. He was, in fact, ten hundred, if those of his generation had been aware of the truth. But there he sat, having spent only a decade of his most recent incarnation in a whitewashed cottage, deprived of the use of his legs.

Staunton his Reverence, seeing as he is a dignified clergyman, and not be meastering, meastering him, as if he were a little petty squire?" As Jeanie was now at the door, and ready to accompany Tummas, the footman said nothing till he got into the passage, when he muttered, "There are moe masters than one in this house, and I think we shall have a mistress too, an Dame Dalton carries it thus."

The patois of Languedoc and Champagne, such as "Mein fis sest ai bai via," Mon fils c'est un beau veau, exercises, it is true, the ingenuity of travellers, and renders many scenes of Moliere and Marivaux difficult, if not unintelligible, to those who have never resided in the French provinces; but no French patois is more unintelligible than the following specimen of Tummas and Meary's Lancashire dialogue:

What canst thou hope for, after swearing so wickedly as thou didst to be true to me and marry me, but that the devil should come for thee alive? 'No matter for that. If I must go to the devil, it shall not be for nothing. But mayhap thou hadst a better a kept a good tongue in thy head. 'Thou hadst a better a kept an honest one in thine, Tummas.

She had heard from her first years of the oppression of Diggs and had impressed it on her husband, who was intolerant of any tyranny except at Wodgate. Tummas and his wife, and a few chosen friends, therefore went out one morning to settle the tommy-book of her father with Mr Diggs. A whisper of their intention had got about among those interested in the subject.

So bashful, egad!" next nudges were exchanged, looks of wonder, and an old voice speaking broadly: "Yes, by George," it was saying, "I remember it well, by George, in this very room, now twenty years ago, 'Here, gentlemen, says old Sir Tummas, 'Here's to Madam de Savenaye, and gad, ma'am, we all yelled, she was a lovely creature Eh Eh?"

When the Captain's horse came near the detachment he paused, and suffered himself to be caught by Tummas Bullock, who held him until the owner and Mrs. Catherine came up. Mr. Bullock looked comically grave when he saw the pair; but the Corporal graciously saluted Mrs. Catherine, and said it was a fine day for walking.