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This was not long in coming, for the colonel, seeing my position, allowed a man, Towser by name, who had volunteered, to come and lend me a hand, and thus we were enabled to get my captive safe at last to the lines: not, however, without some risk to our own lives, as the enemy were firing at us all the time from a fort situated a short distance from the river.

Dobermann-Pinscher, and several other prominent members of the Church burst into threatening growls. A wild bark and clamour broke from Mr. Towser, the Sunday School superintendent, and his pupils, who sat in the little gallery over the door. And then, to Gissing's horror and amazement, Mr. Poodle appeared from behind a pillar where he had been chafing unseen.

The man was not at all willing at first to walk, so we dragged him by the leg along the ground for some way; but owing to the roughness of the road, he soon found that he preferred walking. We searched him and found a doubloon and a half on his person, which Towser and I divided equally between us.

"That is hardly correct, so far at least as one was concerned. When I left home in the East to join my father, who had come to California ahead of me, my companion was an Irishman named Micky McGuigan, who was as green as I." "I have heard you speak of another comrade a four-footed one." "Ah, yes, our dog Towser, one of the most faithful and intelligent brutes that ever lived.

When they were at last able to understand what had happened, they merely turned over and growled out: "Oh, is that all? Aground, are we? Ye needn't have waked us up for that! Be off as soon as ye like and give us some rest do!" They had hardly left off speaking before they were sound asleep again. As for Toddles and Towser they refused to wake at all.

Within, Towson or Towser was inquiring earnestly into the breaking strain of ships' chains and tackle, and other such matters. Not a very enthralling book; but at the first glance you could see there a singleness of intention, an honest concern for the right way of going to work, which made these humble pages, thought out so many years ago, luminous with another than a professional light.

"Well, I'm much obliged to you," he said to Towser, "but now I must be on my way to seek my fortune." So he said good-by to Towser and hopped on. And he hadn't gone very far before a big bear saw him and chased after him. "Oh, I'll catch you!" cried the bear to the rabbit. Well, I just wish you could have seen Uncle Wiggily run!

Now Bunny was supposed to have a speech at this point, but no sooner had Sue cried out just as she had been taught to do, than a strange voice answered her, saying: "A tramp is it! Set the dog on him! Here, Towser! Get after the tramp! No tramps allowed around here! Bow! Wow! Wow!" and then came a shrill whistle as of some one calling a dog. Mr.

As for an estate newly acquired by trade, you may give it, if you will, to the dog Towser, and let him keep his OWN name. I have known him at times exceedingly diverted at what seemed to others a very small sport.

He may have recognized his enemy, for Towser came close to the car, showing his teeth in an ugly fashion. Fred lost no time in starting his car forward. "I wish that pup would have the nerve to get in front of the car," he muttered as he drove slowly away from the camp. "What fun it would be to run over the brute! I don't dare to get out of the car while he's on guard.