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And the cigars made out of rags and shredded toothpicks " "Here, have a cigarette," suggested the youngest doctor. But the man was too busy in working out his own thoughts. "The whole thing," he continued, "is a mixture of a morgue and a hospital only those places have running water, and people in white aprons to tidy things up. And a battle Three days under bombardment, living in the cellar.

"Oh, look at that one big monkey, chewing a straw just like some of the men in front of the hotel at home chew toothpicks," said Nan, pointing to a chimpanzee crouched in a corner of his cage. He did, indeed, look like a little old man thoughtfully chewing on a toothpick. And he was so natural, and so much in earnest about it, that the Bobbsey twins, all four of them, burst out laughing.

"But how about your present officers?" demanded Jack. "They will understand when I explain to them," replied Lord Hastings. "Now, which is to be my first officer?" "Jack, sir," said Frank. "Frank, sir," said Jack. "Come," said His Lordship, "I have a way to decide." He took two toothpicks, and broke one off a little shorter than the other.

Running out of flowers before he had gone clear around the room, he built up on toothpicks bouquets of celery and radishes, which he fastened to the corks of empty claret bottles and gave, with elaborate presentation speeches, to the merrier and prettier of the neglected ladies. From this expedition, he returned leading a little, sad man, who had the look of a boy grown old by troubles.

He saw the march and countermarch of events in the lives of the people tramping on the sidewalks below his office window, saw in his mind the miners of the Pennsylvania village coming down from the hills to disappear below the ground, looked at the girls hurrying through the swinging doors of department stores in the early morning, wondering which of them would presently sit idling with toothpicks in O'Toole's and waited for the word or the stir on the surface of that sea of humanity that would be a sign to him.

Now there had been a secret understanding for many days among these unfortunate men, nor were they wholly without weapons. They had been accustomed to make toothpicks and other trifling articles for sale out of broken sword-blades and other refuse bits of steel. There was not a man among them who had not thus provided himself with a secret stiletto.

Lucy was leaning on the counter negligently collecting scattered toothpicks, and conversing laughingly with a carefully dressed middle-aged man with a handsome face and curly brown hair. His hair and Lucy's fluffy topknot were almost touching. Hiram saw him grasp playfully at Lucy's hand, saw her jerk it away with a flirtatious laugh. Then Hiram bolted, half blind with pain.

Until dark he struggled along, drinking water continually, chewing chips of wood, toothpicks, bits of straw, anything so that the action of his jaws might cheat the demands of his stomach. Toward half-past seven in the evening he returned to his room in the Reno House. If he could get to sleep that would be best of all.

They think Mount Peter Botte is the highest mountain in the world, and if you show one of them a picture of Milan Cathedral he will swell up with satisfaction and say that the idea of that jungle of spires was stolen from the forest of peg-tops and toothpicks that makes the roofs of Curepipe look so fine and prickly. "There is not much trade in books.

We had the bad manners to pick our teeth thoroughly with the wooden toothpicks, and Frosty showed me how to balance a knife and fork on a toothpick or, perhaps, it was two on the edge of his cup. I tried it several times, but couldn't make it work. The others had finished long ago and were sitting around next the wall watching us while they smoked.