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My fat'er say: 'This my house. This people my relations, my friends. My door is open to all. Then old man Gaviller is mad. He call my fat'er mal-content. He tak' away his discount." "Discount?" interrupted Ambrose. Tole frowned at the difficulty of explaining this in English. "All goods in the store marked by prices," he said slowly. "Too moch prices.

"An' I tole ye, bubby, that I didn't think nuthin' o' nobody but you-uns," she interrupted, with an effort to placate his jealousy. The little jocularity which she affected dwindled and died before the steady glow of his gaze, and she falteringly looked at him, her unguided hands futilely fumbling with the lantern. "Ye can't fool me," he stoutly asseverated.

You won't believe it, but it's a fact just the same, if you won't pay their price I must, in order to save you. If you will agree to pay them one-seventy-five, I'll go back to Moultrie to-morrow, and never trouble you again. Landing below Gaviller's house Ambrose sent Tole up the bank with this. In a surprisingly short time he saw the half-breed returning. "Did you see her?" he demanded.

When he light one on the front po'che, she sif' all through the house, an' come slidin' right the whole way out to my kitchen, an' bim! she take me in the nose! You' grampaw awready tole Miss Julia time an' time again if that li'l Dills light dess one mo' on his front po'che he goin' to walk out there an' do some harm!

"Of course I do," said Robert. "She married Mr. Gundover's Dick. Well, dere warn't much git up an' go 'bout him. So, wen 'lection time com'd, de man he war workin' fer tole him ef he woted de radical ticket he'd turn him off. Well, Jinnie war so 'fraid he'd do it, dat she jis' follered him fer days." "Poor fellow!" exclaimed Robert. "How did he come out?"

An old Injun that used ter hang around with the Flying Z outfit tole us oncet that thar was a subterranean river flowed under here, and that once upon a time afore all the country dried up, considerable more water came to the surface here than there does now." "A subterranean river?" asked the professor, at once interested. "Yes, sir," rejoined Pete, "and not the only one in the West, either.

Benjy turned, perforce, the whites of his eyes gleaming in the candle-light, and stared at us. "You ain't gone yit, Marse," he said. "Gone where?" said Nick. "I'se done been tole de quality 'll be jedged fust, Marse." Nick hauled him out on the floor. Climbing to the deck, we found that the boat was already under way, running southward in the current through the misty rain.

I got 'em trained so dat at de menshun of de word 'reform' dey all busts out in one gran' roar er ent'oosiasm. I had eight hunered of 'em a-practisin' in de assembly rooms over Paddy Coogan's saloon las' night. I tole 'em de louder dey yelled when I said de word 'reform' de more beer dey'd get w'en de lectur was done.

A huge hand seized the slack of Thomas's shorts and the boy was heaved up to the muscular shoulder. The two faces were now on the same level and twinkling gray blue eyes were looking into grave brown ones. "Did you squeal on Uncle Jack, Tommy?" The brown eyes were looking at him steadily, fearlessly. "I didn't squeal, Uncle Jack, I jes tole Pop" A grubby hand began rumpling the tousled head.

She done got me contwisted wid dat other fool nigger, dat's what she done." "What other fool nigger?" "Didden she tell yo' all about dat nigger we fotch along up from Craffordsville to " "Yas, suh, she done tole all about dat Craffordsville nigger, ef dat's de one yo' means." Zachariah was staggered. "She she tole yo' about about dat Craffordsville nigger?" "Yas, suh, she did.