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What? Look here! You can't tell us nothing about saloons that we don't know. I want a three-pound cold chisel, any kind, so it's cold." Johnny nudged him. "How about them wedges?" "Twenty-five cents a pound," explained the clerk, groping for his bearings. "They might do," Hopalong muttered, forcing the article mentioned into his holster. "Why, they're quite hocus-pocus.

It will be a mighty close call, my son; we shall have to fight to get clear." At that instant of time something went overhead with a curious whanging whine. "That's a three-pound ball," said Marah, pointing to a spurt upon a wave. "The cutter wants us to stop and have breakfast with 'em." "Whang," went another shot, flying far overhead. "Fire away," said Marah.

He finally produced for us, out of his box, a three-pound fish, white perch, calico bass, and catfish formed his stock in trade, but, before handing it over, demanded the requisite fifteen cents. Evidently he had had dealings with a dishonest world, this hermit fisher, and had learned a thing or two. Perfect camping places are not to be found every day.

The conditions held one curious survival from the original fixture namely, that, horses brought over three hundred miles to run in it got a three-pound allowance if they reached the course less than a week before the day of the race. Major Meriwether had chuckled whenever he thought of that. He knew "the weight of a stable key may win or lose a race."

"What happened?" asked Mollie, for it was evident from the expression on the face of the approaching girl that something out of the ordinary had been the import of the message. "Oh, it was Will. He " "Did he 'fess up' about the chocolates?" inquired Mollie. "No, but he's going to treat us to a three-pound box. I 'phoned down for them.

Being a stranger, suddenly plunged into a life entirely new to him, these things impressed David. When they sat down to the table Thoreau sitting for company, and Marie standing behind them he was at a loss at first to know how to begin. His plate was of tin and a foot in diameter, and on it was a three-pound mallard duck, dripping with juice and as brown as a ripe hazel-nut.

Swivels were the smallest kind of ordnance, firing one-, two-, or three-pound balls at short or medium ranges. They were used at convenient points to stop rushes, much like modern machine-guns. Thanks chiefly to Cramahe, the defences were not nearly so 'ruinous' as Arnold at first had thought them.

The boys had taken their own way of finding out what they were eating they saved all the bones for several days and then they put them together the result was a German Dachshund. We had nothing but this soup for dinner, and for supper we were given a bowl of slop which the boys called "sand-storm," and a three-pound loaf of Deutschland black bread to be divided among ten of us.

Will stood stock still from fright, and I was for dropping my rod and cutting, when I was arrested by the dominie calling out: "Have a care, Master Carvel; have a care, sir. You will lose him. Play him, sir; let him run a bit." And down he leaps from his horse and into the water after me, and together we landed a three-pound bass, thereby drenching his snuff-coloured suit.

Now at that hour Lady Bankes had only five men in the castle, but pretending that she had a large garrison, she refused the seamen's demand, and caused one of the guns to be fired over their heads. The report of this gun, which only carried a three-pound ball, so alarmed the seamen that they fled in dismay.