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"Thankye, sir; now I can get on," and with wonderful celerity Sam scraped away with light hand till the last line of lather was taken off, a touch or two here and there given with the brush, and this fresh soap removed, after which the razor was closed, sponge and water applied, and a clean towel handed to the Sheikh, who received it with a grave smile and nod of the head. "Good," he said softly.

Do you know, I planned the rigging-out of that boat so that she might go up big rivers in South America?" "Indeed?" said Sir Humphrey, looking at the speaker curiously. "Ah, you think I'm blowing, sir, as the Yankees call it bragging." "I have no right to doubt your word, captain," said Sir Humphrey stiffly. "Thankye, sir," said the captain; "but you do," he added sharply, turning upon Brace.

Woa!" Basket paid not the slightest heed for a few minutes. Then, as if he suddenly comprehended, he stopped short. "Thankye," said Ike drily; "much obliged. It's my belief, though, that the wicked old walking scaffold was fast asleep, and has on'y just woke up." "Why, he couldn't go on walking in his sleep, Ike," I exclaimed. "Not go on walking in his sleep, mate! That there hoss couldn't!

We touched the stairs lightly for a single moment, and he was on board, and we were off again. He had a boat-cloak with him, and a black canvas bag; and he looked as like a river-pilot as my heart could have wished. "Dear boy!" he said, putting his arm on my shoulder, as he took his seat. "Faithful dear boy, well done. Thankye, thankye!"

Why, I've know'd them pears, sir, as good as say thankye as soon as they felt your hand under 'em, for they'd growed too ripe and heavy to hang any longer. Dear, dear, dear, who'd be a gardener?" "You would, David," said Tom, smiling. "Never mind; it's very tiresome, and he ought to have known better, if it was my cousin." "Knowed better, sir?

She was right there too. This visitor had come about money. "About this bill, Mr. Finn," said the visitor, proceeding to take out of his breast coat-pocket a rather large leathern case, as he advanced up towards the fire. "My name is Clarkson, Mr. Finn. If I may venture so far, I'll take a chair." "Certainly, Mr. Clarkson," said Phineas, getting up and pointing to a seat. "Thankye, Mr.

And Jesse what did he say to these, the first words of kindness that he had ever heard from human lips? or rather, what did he feel? for beyond a muttered "Thankye," speak he could not, But gratitude worked strongly in the poor boy's heart: gratitude! so new, so overpowering, and inspired by one so sweet, so lovely, so gentle as his protectress, as far as he was concerned, all-powerful; and yet a mere infant whom he might protect as well as serve!

"Now, look here, go back to the gate, and mind we are not interrupted! This gentleman is going to slip two half-crowns in your hand." "Well, if it's all right, and only a bit of music, I don't want to be disagreeable, gentlemen. Sarah-naying, don't you call it? Only look out: I have heered tell o' blunderbusses and revolvers about here! Thankye, sir; but, of course, that wasn't ness'ry.

People's so ready to say, `Where are the police? that, if we hadn't gone, they'd ha' been ready to think the poor young gent was hanging on by the branch of a tree and we wouldn't go and save him. But I put it to you well, thankye, Mr Brigley, I won't say no; didn't know you kept such a port as that." "It won't be long before the water goes down?" "No. Not it.

"How strong that string was, and how it cut!" "How stupid of you to tie it round your hand like that!" I said. "Well, I s'pose it was, Mas'r Harry," he said ruefully; "but one didn't think of it then." "Well, let's have a look at the sharks," I said, as the horror of what might have happened passed off. "No, thankye, Mas'r Harry," said Tom sulkily. "I've had enough shark for one day.