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"Come, come; I want you to come with me," Chatty said, hurrying Geoff away; and perhaps the sight of the table in the dining-room, and the tray which Joseph, not without a grumble, was placing upon it, became about this time as interesting as Theo's wound. "We ought to send and tell his mother that the child is here." "Or send him back," said Minnie sharply, "and get rid of him.

It would be futile to attempt to describe her state of mind when she discovered that Denis had not learned of Theo's presence in the house. But, being quick-sighted, and keen of sense, she began to comprehend at last, and it was Priscilla Gower who assisted her to a clearer state of mind.

When Meredith could command his voice, he spoke quietly and cheerfully of the day's work, and of the certainty that she would pull through. Then the hand in his stirred uneasily. "What is it, dear?" he asked. "John, I want you to remember," the voice was still husky, and she spoke with difficulty "whatever happens, . . and tell father, please . . it wasn't Theo's fault. It was mine."

This sudden step, which put all the power in Theo's hands to thwart the lawyers and regulate matters at his own pleasure, made him at once completely subservient to them, accepting everything which he had struggled against before.

The housemaids had come to the same conclusion, seeing Theo's hurried exit, and the rate at which he walked down the avenue. The news ran through the house in a moment. "My lady has given him the sack."

I have not been in Paris for four years, and I believe the change would do me good. The last time I visited the Spas, my health improved greatly." It was just like her ladyship to become suddenly possessed of a whim, and to follow its lead on the spur of the moment. She was a woman of caprices, and her caprices always ruled the day, as this one did, to Theo's great astonishment.

And as Jinnie slept her happy sleep in Paradise Road, another woman was walking to and fro with a tall man under the trees at Theodore King's home. "I thought I'd scream with laughter when she came in," said Molly the Merry. "If it hadn't been for Theo's warning, I'm sure most of us would.... Did you ever see such a ridiculous dress, Jordan?" The man was quiet for a meditative moment.

This time, however, Theodore was on his guard, and he caught Dick's arm and gave it a twist that made its owner cry out. "Oh ho, it's you, Dick Hunt. I might a' known nobody else would sneak up on a feller this way. Well, now, what are ye after?" "I'm after givin' you the worst lickin' ever you had," muttered Dick, trying in vain to free his arm from Theo's strong grip.

"Heaven help me!" she cried, picking herself up, and beginning to wish she had never troubled herself with Theo's mother-in-law. To reach the depot was now her great object, and, as the two belligerent parties occupied the front, she thought to effect an entrance at the rear.

You remember how you admired it in that antimacassar I was making for Priscilla?" Miss Elizabeth's chief delight and occupation was the making of miraculously-gorgeous mysteries for Priscilla; and Theo's modest eulogies of her last piece of work had won her admiration and regard at once.