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She called this morning to explain that last night's fiasco was none of her making, and quite innocently she imparted the information that old Pennington lighted out for San Francisco at one o'clock this morning. Wherefore I laugh. Te-he! Ha-hah!" "Three long, loud raucous cheers for Uncle. He's gone to rush a restraining order through the United States District Court.

"Te-he!" squeaked Petullo with an irritating falsetto. "You must have your bit joke, Mr. MacTaggart. Did his Grace did his Grace I was just wondering if his Grace said anything to-day about my unfortunate accident with the compote yestreen." He looked more cunningly than ever at the Chamberlain. "In his Grace's class, Mr.

The Graphic pictures are of the Christmas pantomimes; the good woman of the tea-house points out to me the tremendous noses, the ear-to-ear mouths, and the abnormal growths of chin therein depicted, with much amusement; "Fankwae," she says, "te-he, te-he," apparently fancying them genuine representations of certain types of that queer, queer people.

And so I perceive is his grandson te-he! and I flatter myself that my boy Jack is not unadmired te-he-he! no, no not precisely unnoticed in New York the town whose history is the history of his own race, Mr. Mallett he is a good son to me yes, yes, a good son. It is gratifying to me to know that you are his friend. He is a good friend to have, Mr. Mallett, a good friend and a good son."

Anybody-in-God's-worl', pass yo' plate faw a piece o' the chicken pie? What! you heard it? Oh, Mr. March, don't you be fool'! An' yit I favo's Rosemont " "Why, you've made it your standing threat to burst Rosemont wide open!" "Yass, te-he! I has often prevaricate that intention. But Law'! that was pyo gas, Mr. March.

I would have given all I had in life to give if I could have started on an exploring expedition for China just then, but I couldn't. The pavement was not constructed with reference to swallowing up bashful young men who wanted to be swallowed. "I hope you are not hurt, Mr. Flutter, te-he?" "Oh, not at all, not in the least; it never hurts me to fall.

My son Jack and I motor every morning at this hour. It is becoming a custom he! he! every day from ten to eleven then a biscuit and a glass of sherry then a nap te-he! Oh, yes, every day, Mr. Mallett, rain or fair then luncheon at one, and the cigarette te-he! and a little sleep and the drive at five! Yes, Mr.

"Te-he!" chuckled Simeon Cantrell the elder, pursing his lips around the stem of his corn-cob pipe; "looks like Tom-Jeff was goin' to house-keepin' right late in the evenin'." "By gol, I wonder what's doin'?" said another. "Reckon he's done tuk up with Nan Bryerson, afte' all's been said an' done?"

Dysart to telephone her on Mrs. Dysart's return from the country, sir it being a matter of very great importance." "Thank you." "Thank you, sir." The servant withdrew; the son stood gazing into the hallway. Behind him his father mumbled and muttered and chuckled to himself in his easy-chair by the fire! "Te-he! They are all alike, the Dysarts oh, yes, all alike!

Barbara gazed on the bareheaded men and courtesying women grasping the hand of their stately master. "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Welcome home, sah. Yass, sah!" "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Yass, sah; dass so, sot free, but niggehs yit, te-he! an' Rosemont niggehs yit!" Chorus, "Dass so!" and much laughter. "Howdy, Mahse John Wesley. Miss Rose happy now, an' whensomever she happy, us happy. Yass, sah.