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The divil dang the bit she put in her mouth for two days, first and last. Why wouldn't she eat is it, miss? From the fright sure! She'll do nothing, only standing that way, and bushtin' out sweatin', and watching out all the time the way I wouldn't lave her. I declare to God I'm heart-scalded with her!"

"Flounderin' round in mud soup, bit to death by skeeters and them what-ye-call-'em flies piums sweatin' yerself bone dry and totin' forty thousand pounds, on yer back, not to mention hardware slung all over ye this ain't no place for a minister's son or a fat guy, I'll tell the world. And this is only the start!" A call from Pedro forestalled any answer.

"'I camps down outside the 'doby an' looks up at the moon an' begins to let my own thoughts go grazin' off towards Texas. It's perhaps a minute when thar's the quick crack! of a six-shooter, an' the mare Ruth r'ars up an' back'ard ontil she's almost down. But she recovers herse'f an' stands sweatin' an' shiverin' an' her eyes burnin' like she sees a ghost.

The Resident Surgeon babbled something incoherent, and melted out of the room. "Moppin' his head as he goes down the passage," said McFadyen, coming back from the door. "He'll no be in sic a sweatin' hurry to come back," pronounced the canny Scot, shedding a wink from a dry, red-fringed eyelid.

Pope had to wink an eye now and then if one o' the kegs leaked a bit. Well, my father had finished his job that day in a sweatin' hurry, the tide bein' nearabouts on the top of the flood, and at the end, all the kegs bein' stowed, he spiled one 'for the good of the house, as he put it, and drew off a tot in a tin panikin he kept handy.

Why, I warn't to blame now, was I? I can't make everybody do jest right and pay regular, can I? So ye see it goes, boys, gettin' yer bread by the sweat o' your brow; and sometimes sweatin' and not gettin' yer bread. That 'ere's what I call the cuss, the 'riginal cuss, that come on man for hearkenin' to the voice o' his wife, that 'ere was what did it.

I come so near drillin' ye when ye hopped up that I'm sweatin' blood right now." In truth, the veteran was pale around the mouth and his broad face was beaded with cold drops. "I seen more 'n one time in France when I felt like shootin' my s'perior officer, but I never come so near doin' it as jest now.

We all looked at one 'nother, 'n' I thought for a second somebody 'd laugh, but nobody dassed, 'n' there warn't a sound in the room 's Aunt Beccy sot down agin' without movin' a muscle in her face. Just then the minister drove in the yard with his horse sweatin' like rain; but behind time as he was, he never slighted things a mite. His prayer was twenty-three minutes by the clock.

Wo'k yo' laigs fer fair," and under touch of the spur the big horse broke into a gait which bade fair to speedily overhand the scapegraces, providing Jefferson let him do so. A turn in the road simplified the problem. "Now don' yo' tak ter sweatin' yo'self so's I has ter spend a hull hour a-coolin' yo' down," admonished Jefferson when well out of sight.