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Sally, Aileen and Beverly were lingering over the last delicious mouthfuls of nut sundaes. Electra had finished hers and gone to an adjoining counter to make a purchase. Miss Forsdyke, who had declined Sally's invitation to have a sundae, was selecting a tooth brush at an adjoining counter when Beverly asked: "Miss Forsdyke, why can't we carry the flags and ribbons back with us?

"We're going to be late to rehearsal," Anne declared with a sigh, as they rose to leave. "We are late now," rejoined Kit, cheerfully. "They'll prize us all the more if we keep ourselves kind of scarce. Rex told me to order walnut sundae for him, and wait until he comes back." Just at this moment Anne laid her finger on her lips and glanced impressively at a table on the other side of the room.

Would you blow her to a bowl of chow mein at some chop suey joint, or could you get by with a nut sundae at a cut-rate drug store? And suppose some curb broker was waitin' to take her out to Heather Blossom Inn? You'd put up a hot competition, you would, with nothing but the change from a five left in your jeans." "Ah, just leave that to me, old son," he'd say, winkin' devilish.

"If Mr. Gooch wasn't so stingy he'd have it cleaned up." "I wouldn't call a man stingy who had given a library to the law school," Hattie objected. "Yes, and he's spent the rest of his life saving every penny to pay himself back for it. He has eaten fifty-two suppers a year at our house for ten years, that's five hundred and twenty suppers, and he's never even treated us to a chocolate sundae!"

Miss Thorley pushed away her sundae. "Mary Rose, if you say Mifflin again, I'll scream." Mary Rose's cheeks turned as pink as Miss Thorley's cheeks had turned. "That's what Aunt Kate says sometimes, but if you like a place the way I like Mifflin you just have to talk about it. It's it's in your heart." "Talk about it to me, Mary Rose," Mr. Jerry offered kindly.

"Hello, girls!" he said. "What strikes you to-day?" "Me for a raspberry nut sundae," announced Eda, and Janet, being unable to imagine any more delectable confection, assented. The penetrating odour peculiar to drugstores, dominated by menthol and some unnamable but ancient remedy for catarrh, was powerless to interfere with their enjoyment. The circus began at two.

"Chop-suey sundae," he announced, after a hasty glance at the printed menu. "What?" stammered Sid. Such a delicacy cost a whole quarter, the most expensive treat that the soda fountain purveyed. "Yes," said John calmly. "Better take one, too, Louise," he added maliciously. "They taste just peachy." She accepted his suggestion gratefully. "Give me a glass of water," ordered Sid weakly.

He sat upon the edge of the island, the extreme western coast, fishing for eels, with a string, a bent pin and a salted almond. It seemed that the eels did not care for salted almonds, so Pee-wee endeavored to tempt them with a chocolate bonbon but the bonbon dissolved on the pin, forming a sort of subterranean chocolate sundae, and the eels ignored it.

"I think," said Manager Black to Quarter-back Marvin as they met at the entrance to the gymnasium, "I'll take a walnut sundae." What Quarter-back Marvin replied to Manager Black was both impolite and forceful. What annoyed Brimfield Academy most about that beating was the fact that Morgan's School was a stranger.

I just thought of something." "Oh, I see," and with a smile the gentleman passed on, while Joe, still thinking deeply, went in to get his soda. "Well?" asked the clerk, suggestively, as Joe paused at the marble fountain. "I'll have a goldfish sundae," said Joe, reflectively. "What? Say, come again, young fellow! This isn't a joke shop," and the clerk seemed rather angry.