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"We've been at work; let's coal. Sit down." Mark obeyed, and Bruff crept under his seat. "You've brought that dog with you, then?" "He came, sir." "Same thing. I hate dogs. Take off that cover." Mark obeyed, and there was a steaming dish of fried steak and onions, looking tempting in the extreme. "Now, then, will you carve or be old woman?"

"How many of them knitted crawdabs you sold out there at your booths?" he demands. "Not enough to buy a single Belgian a T-bone steak and fried potatoes." "Is that so, indeed?" I says. "Excuse me a minute. Standing here in the blinding light of your triumph, I forgot a little matter of detail such as our sex is always wasting its energies on."

I had decided to send Wild along the coast in the 'Stancomb Wills' to look for a new camping-ground, and he and I discussed the details of the journey while eating our breakfast of hot seal steak and blubber. The camp I wished to find was one where the party could live for weeks or even months in safety, without danger from sea or wind in the heaviest winter gale.

"The injuries, thank you, are the merest trifles all that such a light-weight could inflict." And she shrugged her shoulders to indicate the futility of young John's pugilism. "But," the surprised Briton interposed, "I thought you said your nephew was too feeble to eat steak or hear poetry." Juno could always stem the eddy of her own contradictions but she did raise her voice a little.

Jim poured out the coffee, but first, into the nicked china cup, he emptied a powder he had carried in his vest pocket wrapped in a rice-paper. He had turned his back for the moment on his partner, but he did not dare to glance around at him. Matt placed a newspaper on the table, and on the newspaper set the hot frying pan. He cut the steak in half, and served Jim and himself.

Wilkins, slapping the steak on to the platter, and beginning to deal out fried potatoes all round with absent-minded lavishness. Christie talked, and the good soul enjoyed that far more than her dinner, for she meant to ask Mr. Power to help her find the right sort of home for the stranger whose unfitness for her present place was every day made more apparent to the mind of her hostess.

"'Drive to the Back Home Restaurant on Third Avenue, says I. 'And if I don't find what I want there, take in these saddle-shops. I handed him the list. "'Boss, says the cabby, 'I et a steak in that restaurant once. If you're real hungry, I advise you to try the saddle-shops first. "'I'm a detective, says I, 'and I don't eat. Hurry up!

"Ka-la! Koo-loo!" howled Queequeg, as if smacking his lips over a mouthful of Grenadier's steak. And thus with oars and yells the keels cut the sea. Meanwhile, Stubb, retaining his place in the van, still encouraged his men to the onset, all the while puffing the smoke from his mouth.

Such privileges are not to be neglected with impunity. Let me bathe your face with whiskey and put a beef-steak poultice after it, and I'll have you as handsome as a girl in three days." "Give me the steak and whiskey inside and I'll feel handsome at once," said Jarvis. "Oh, the rashness of youth!" said Sir Tom. "But I'll not say a word against it.

'I suppose it was for the sake of quiet and rest that you bought the hotel, Papa? 'You would insist on the steak, he retorted. 'Get out of this, on the instant. 'Here I am, here to stay, said Nella, and deliberately laughed at her parent. Just then the face of a fair-haired man of about thirty years appeared at the bureau window.