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If I lose I'll sneak off to Cedarville, as Dick did once, and buy what I need." "Ice cream for our room it is," said. Frank. "And mum's the word about the wager, or Captain Putnam will spoil the whole affair if he gets wind of it." "Make me stakeholder," grinned Tom. I'd just like to lay hands on about two quarts of chocolate cream." "There won't be any stakeholder," said Dick.

"You're afraid to bet," sneered the tall boy. This statement angered Powell and he quickly dove into his pocket and pulled out the sum mentioned. "This is the time you lose, Flapp," he said quietly. Another student was made stakeholder and each boy passed over his money. By this time the race was well underway.

But he was "game," and the money went to another pupil, who became stakeholder until the contest should be decided. "It's a shame!" cried Sam, when he heard of the transaction. "To bet against his own school! I'm like Dick I don't believe in betting, and yet I am glad Fred took him up. If it is in my power, Baxter shall lose his wager."

Hell-born and Sharper?" inquired the man, laughing. "My name is Helberson, yes; and this gentleman is Mr. Harper," replied the former, reassured by the laugh. "But we are not physicians now; we are well, hang it, old man, we are gamblers." And that was the truth. "A very good profession very good, indeed; and, by the way, I hope Sharper here paid over Jarette's money like an honest stakeholder.

Terry had given Tom a check for one thousand dollars, and Tom hurried off to the bank with it, cashed it, and covered all the bets. The depot agent acted as stakeholder. Then they went about a quarter of a mile up the road into a piece of timber, where thirty paces were stepped off, and a piece of white paper, about an inch square, was fastened, against the tree.

The old chief acted as judge, bookmaker, clerk of the course, referee, and stakeholder. I s'pose by the time the race was ready to start there must of been fifty ponies up, besides a lot of money, but the old bird kept every wager in his head.

I'll bet twenty-five pounds on it, and let the gentleman of the house be stakeholder, and the German gentleman referee. Eh? Well, I'm glad to see that there are no takers. "Now we'll go to another little point that the gentleman forgot. He recommended you to LEARN to make yourselves better and wiser from day to day. But he didn't tell you why it is that you won't learn, in spite of his advice.

A rivalry of long standing as to the merits of their respective schooners had led to them calling in the landlord to arbitrate, and this was the result. Berrow, vaguely feeling that it would be advisable to keep on good terms with the stakeholder, offered him one of the famous cigars. The stakeholder, anxious to keep on good terms with his stomach, declined it.

Just before they teed off, Marshall put a crisp one-hundred-dollar note belonging to Miss Lawrence in Harding's hands as stakeholder, and LaHume promptly covered it with five bills of the same denomination. There were scores of smaller wagers with no such animus back of them. Wallace won the toss and took the honour.

Flood warned us not to bet our saddles, but Quarternight and Stallings had already wagered theirs, and were stripping them from their horses to turn them over to the saloonkeeper as stakeholder. I managed to get a ten-dollar bet on my six-shooter, though it was worth double the money, and a similar amount on my watch.