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Koppy's body crashed through the branches and fell among his gaping followers. There was blood now, more than they wished. It spurted over them from their fallen leader. It welled from a shrieking companion who lay twisting on the ground beside their dead leader. One incredulous moment then, clutching and clawing, but silent as ever in their fears, they ran for the camp, the only haven they knew.

The stout woman stared blankly at Ivan Ivanitch, as though not believing or not understanding him, then she flushed all over, and flung up her hands; the oats were scattered out of her apron and tears spurted from her eyes. "Olga Ivanovna!" she screamed, breathless with excitement. "My own darling! Ah, holy saints, why am I standing here like a fool? My pretty little angel. . . ."

At one of the smaller, marginal jets which I managed to approach, I held my hand to see if it was really as hot as it looked, when a little drop of mud that spurted on to my finger scalded like boiling water. A short distance off, there was a flat bare surface of rock as smooth and hot as an oven floor, which was evidently an old mud-pool, dried up and hardened.

She had thought that the blood would flow quietly how it spurted and spouted and ran! Before she could untie his hands and lay them beneath the blanket at his sides the white, lean arms were crimson with blood. At this rate, it would not take him long to die! She rinsed the blood from the little penknife in a basin of water, and turning down the blanket, laid it upon his breast.

Perhaps I owe the King of Beaver the tribute of a tear. He befogged me considerably the only time I ever met him." "You see only his evil. But I see what he was to Mary French and the others." "His bereaved widows?" "The ones who believed in his best." A magnificent fountain of flame, visible far out on the starlit lake, spurted from the north end of Beaver Island.

Tom's tones and voice were so insistent that the giant and the colored man had no choice but to obey. They dropped the hose which, half unreeled, lay like some twisted snake in the grass. Had it been pulled out all the way the water would have spurted from the nozzle, for it was of the automatic variety, with which Tom had equipped all his plant.

She came along safely, until within view of Beth lying comfortably in the hammock; then with a desire to show off, she spurted, or tried to, and her wheel ran off the walk, and tipped her off upon the grass on top of two dozen eggs!

A long thin rope shot out, a loop settled gently about the shoulders of the Mayor of Wolf River, and a cowhorse stopped so abruptly that a cloud of alkali dust spurted up and settled in a grey powder over the clothing of the assembled passengers. "Come on, Slim, an' give these folks a chance to get their second wind while you let a little licker into that system of yours."

My own mother's family had a banshee; and, now I come to think of it, it has comforted me in many a cold hour." "And think," he went on, "of that stream of blood and poison that spurted from his thin lips the instant you so much as mentioned his ancestors. Why should he show every stranger over such a Chamber of Horrors unless he is proud of it?

"You shall be given your life and be set free," they said, "if you will spit upon the Cross and renounce Christ and say, 'There is no God but Allah." "I refuse," said Abdallah. A sword was brought forward and unsheathed. Abdallah's arm was stretched out: the sword was lifted it flashed and Abdallah's hand, cut clean off, fell on the ground, while the blood spurted from his arm.