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Two men rolled from their saddles with a death-scream that died down to a hideous gurgle, as the racing hoofs trod the last atom of life out of their bodies. His guns belched a second time, and James' throat was plowed open, and the rich red blood spurted in a ghastly tide.

"Oh, you close your eyes, do you?" said one of the soldiers of the burgher guard; "well, I shall open them for you." And saying this he stabbed him with his pike in the face, and the blood spurted forth. "My brother!" cried John de Witt, trying to see through the stream of blood which blinded him, what had become of Cornelius; "my brother, my brother!"

Still I thought it safest to show an overbearing frown. "To what command do you fellows belong?" He spurted a pint to reply, "Fishe's batt'ry." "Oh! And where is the battery?" "You sa-ay 'Whah is it? ow batt'ry" he champed noisily "I dunno. Does you? Whah is it?" "It's twenty miles off; why are you not with it? What are you doing here?"

"You are very skilful; but to-day, if you will allow me, I will partake of something a little simpler." The Frenchman helped; and, being so happy, in cors, spilt the gravy. A great blob of brown sos spurted on to master's chick, and myandrewed down his shert-collar and virging-white weskit. "Confound you!" says he, "M. de l'Orge, you have done this on purpose."

When the merchant returned to Annam, he went to the palace of Panther, the general, and told him all that had happened. When Panther listened to him telling about his brother, he sobbed with bitter grief. Then he secured leave of absence and sailed out to sea with two soldiers. Suddenly a typhoon arose, which lashed the waves until they spurted sky-high.

The Northern Star let down slowly, firing her guns and dropping bombs; as she descended, rifle-fire spurted from all her lower-deck portholes.

The man clenched Armitage about the body with his legs while he struck a match on a box he produced from his pocket. The suddenness with which he had been flung into the kitchen had knocked the breath out of Armitage, and the huge thighs of his captor pinned his arms tight. The match spurted fire and he looked into the face of the servant whom he had seen in the room above.

Every rock spurted flame, and the front ranks withered away before the storm of the Mauser. An eye-witness has recorded that the brigade was hardly visible amid the sand knocked up by the bullets. For an instant they fell back into cover, and then, having taken their breath, up they went again, with a deep-chested sailor roar.

When Maurice took off his shoe that evening to have a look at his foot, which was aching and throbbing feverishly, the skin came with it; the blood spurted forth and he uttered a cry of pain. Jean was standing by, and exhibited much pity and concern. "Look here, that is becoming serious; you are going to lie right down and not attempt to move. That foot of yours must be attended to.

I held in the mare as she spurted up the rise, and the horse kept his pace to hers. We reached its crest, and before us lay the great level plain, eleven miles of it, and then two miles down hill to Maraisfontein. "Now," I said to Hans, shaking loose the reins, "keep up if you can!"