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"I say," he explained carefully, "just plain sody." "On the level?" "What?" grunted Blinky; and blinked again. A smile of comprehension irradiated Nat's features. "Pardon," he said, "I'm a little new to the business." Blinky, fanning himself industriously, glared round the store while Duncan, turning his back, discreetly found and uncorked the whiskey bottle.

He knew how to pin a Rube against the Wall and make him say "Yes." He rode in Cabooses, fought the Roller-Towels, endured the Taunts of Ess, Bess, and Tess who shot the Sody Biscuit, and reclined in the Chamber of Horrors, entirely surrounded by Wall-Paper, but what cared he? He was salting the Spon. He was closing in on the Needful.

Trunnell a drink o' ginger pop, or milk, if he prefers it, and then, steward, you may get Mr. Rolling a drink o' sody water. It's hot, but I reckon it'll fizz." "Yessah. What's yourn, cap'n?" "You don't think there's a priest aboard here, do you, steward, hey?" "No, sah, 'tain't likely, but I ken find out, sah. Shall I get yo' drink fust, sah?"

"Do much sody trade, Sam?" He paused, passing his worn old fingers reflectively across a chin snowy with a stubble of neglected beard. "No," he allowed thoughtfully, "not so much as we used to, now that Sothern and Lee've got this new-fangled notion of puttin' ice cream in a nickel glass of sody.

Why, I've ben perishin' sometimes for want o' doctorin', and all he'd give me was a little pepsin, or tell me to take as much sody as would lay on the p'int of a penknife, or some such thing, not so much as you'd give to a canary-bird. I do sometimes wish we had a doctor who knew the use o' medicine, 'stead of everlastin'ly talkin' about the laws o' health, and hulsome food, and all them notions.

Blinky reluctantly pried a nickel loose from his finances and placed it on the counter. Duncan regarded it with disdain. "Ten cents more, please," he suggested tactfully. "What for?" "Plain sody." The explanation was accompanied by a very passable imitation of Blinky's blink.

"Didn't I hear ye sayin' suthin' about refreshments," she said archly. "Mebbe you wouldn't mind gettin' me a bottle o' lemming sody outer the bar!" Abner got up at once, perhaps not dismayed by this diversion, and departed for the refreshment. As he passed along the side veranda the recollection of Mr. Byers and his mysterious flight occurred to him. For a wild moment he thought of imitating him.

We've had butter all the way so far, and I mean to have it all the way and eggs. I mean to sleep at nights, too, if the pesky muskeeters'll let me. They most have et me up. And I'd give a dollar for a drink of real water now. It's all right to settle this water overnight, but that don't take the sody out of it.

"Why don't you take a shovel, Bunch?" he demanded. "You're losin' time eatin' with your knife and fingers." "These sweat-pads of yourn would be pretty fair if 'twant fur the lumps of sody a feller's allus bitin' into," the herder commented. "Maybe you'd ruther do the cookin' so you kin git 'em to suit you," Bowers retorted, nettled.

Babbitt's wrath as he had once estimated the speech of a certain Ostable candidate for political office, to be "like a tumbler of plain sody water, mostly fizz and froth and nothin' very substantial or fillin'." He did not tell Grover of the interview in the shop; he told no one, not even Ruth Armstrong.