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"Don't do that!" shouted a man to me one day, as I attempted to "snap-shot" his pack train of twenty horses and mules as they passed us. Two of the animals had grown tired and attempted to lie down, thus causing the flour sacks with which they were loaded to burst open and the flour to fly in clouds around them. "Don't do that," he entreated, "for we are having too much trouble!"

I don't know whether ter take a snap-shot at the cuss, er wait an' hear what he's got ter say Hello, there!" The fellow who stood partially revealed above the bank stared in the direction of the voice, and then ventured to expose himself further. "Hello yourself," he answered. "Is that you, Brennan?"

And then came reporters and newspaper illustrators, who hung about the office and badgered Hilda, or perched on timber piles and sketched until Bannon or Peterson or Max could get at them and drive them out. Young men with snap-shot cameras waylaid Bannon on his way to luncheon, and published, with his picture, elaborate stories of his skill in averting a strike stories that were not at all true.

Soon he disappeared through the shop, whilst she still found herself hopelessly bewildered, with a number of snap-shot photographs before her, still staring at a long piece of string, smothered from end to end in a series of knots, as bewildering, as irritating, as puzzling as the man who had lately sat in the corner.

I almost forgot to be frightened in the fear that he would bolt. I swear, if he had tried to, that I would have tripped him up and sat on him until calmness and reason returned. I wanted that tooth. Also, Martin wanted a snap-shot of me getting it. Likewise Charmian got her camera. Then the procession started.

Come, now, in cool blood, ain't you rather glad, Moran? 'Dashed if I know, growls he. 'All I know is, you're deuced well out of it; your luck mayn't be so good another time. 'Nor yours either, my friend, says Mr. Knightley, drawing up his bridle-rein. 'I had only a snap-shot at you when that bullet went through your poncho, or you'd be lying alongside of Daly.

Then he brought it to the cabin, put it on the floor and set the Little Feller inside it. They sent me a snap-shot of the event, but it is not very good.

But it's good poetry, he added condescendingly. "I have not quoted him right, not being much of a snap-shot at dialect; and his is an undefined, unclassifiable mixture. Eastern farm-hand and Western ranchman, prospector, who knows what? His real language is in his eye and his rare, pure smile.

The creature was stretching herself with the grace of a big cat that has just been roused from a nap on the hearth-rug. If his first picture of her had been brief, his second one was practically a snap-shot, because at sight of him, she flashed to her feet.

I compared this snap-shot with the photograph I have with me. Shave off that dinky little moustache and I'll bet a hundred to one you'll have Ritchie's mug all right. Hustle back there, Gilfillan, you and Simons. He'll be turning up at the house unless he's got wind of us. Don't let him see you. You stay here with me, Constable.