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Though nearly obliterated by the passing of the policeman's feet across them, I was still enabled to read the one word which appeared to me significant. If you will glance at the following reproduction of a snap-shot which I took of this scrawl, you will see what I mean. The significant character was the 16.

He had youth in his heart, and love and curiosity; also he had some change in his trousers' pocket, and a ten dollar bill, for extreme emergencies, sewed up in his belt. If a photographer for Peter Harrigan's General Fuel Company could have got a snap-shot of him that morning, it might have served as a "portrait of a coal-miner" in any "prosperity" publication.

Near the pretty group of French Islands, two government dredges, with their boarding barges, were moored to the Kentucky shore waiting for coal, we were told, before resuming operations in the planting of a dike. I took a snap-shot at the fleet, and heard one man shout to another, "Bill, did yer notice they've a photograph gallery aboard?"

She began to cry softly, hiding her face in his coat-sleeve. "I'm crying because it's all over. I'm a little fool, just as as you said I was." "I didn't know you then," he smiled. "I'm right likely to make snap-shot judgments that are 'way off." "You knew me well enough to " She broke off in the middle, bathed in a flush of remembrance that brought her coppery head up from his arm instantly.

Think of that, will ye? D'ye suppose a sultan or a king that knew his thrade wud iver let anny wan take a snap-shot iv him? Did ye iver hear iv Alexander th' Gr-reat or Napoleon Bonyparte havin' a snap-shot took iv him? No, sir.

Alec got ready to take another snap-shot when the battle was well on. He was as excited as Hugh had ever seen him, and the other took occasion to warn the photographer to be careful. "Get a grip on yourself, Alec," he said. "Hold yourself steady, or else you'll be making some fearful blunder, and spoiling the best chance you ever had to get a prize picture.

For two seasons, a very big stag used occasionally to find its way into our forest from the Black Mount, where it was also known. Thistlethwayte had had a chance, and missed it; then my turn came. I got a long snap-shot end on at the galloping stag. It was an unsportsmanlike thing to do, but considering the rivalry and other temptations I fired, and hit the beast in the haunch.

'That piece of mud couldn't prove anything by itself, but bring it up at the end of a long string of evidence, and if it fits your man, it convicts him as much as a snap-shot photograph would. Morning, sir. I must be going. And he retired, carrying the piece of mud in his hand, leaving Mr Thompson in the full grip of the detective-fever, hunting with might and main for more clues.

Aymer offered no explanation, if Christopher had looked he would have seen the scar show up again sharply over a frown. The next was rather a wicked snap-shot of Aymer cover shooting, with what looked suspiciously like a dead fox curled up at his feet. "It was a wretched little cub I had tamed," he explained, "the little beast used to follow me everywhere.

He pushed the key across the table toward her, but she did not look at the key; she crossed the room and opened the drawer under the Bible. She saw what she had expected to see. It was Winn's revolver; upon it lay a snap-shot of Peter. He always kept them together. Claire took out the revolver. Winn watched her, with his hands in his pockets. "Be careful," he said; "it's loaded."