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Then we went into the captain's cabin and sat round his table listening to his stories and smoking cigarettes. Every now and then a silence came over us, broken occasionally by one of us saying suddenly "Ebbene, siamo qua!" This sort of thing formerly used to make me feel nervous; it was as though I had failed to entertain my friends or as though they had given up the hope of entertaining me.

He feels instinctively that these things are pitfalls. "Have you no sweetheart, Attilio?" "Certainly I have. But it is not a man's affair. We are only children, you understand siamo ancora piccoli." "Did you ever give her a kiss?" "Never. Not a single one." I relight my pipe, and then inquire: "Why not give her a kiss?" "People would call me a disrespectful boy."

They call themselves Calabrians. Noi siamo calabresi! they proudly say, meaning that they are above suspicion of unfair dealing. As a matter of fact, they are a muddled brood, and considerably given to cheating when there is any prospect of success.

But something in the dying evening, in the roar of the river, in their very embrace warned them that her words fell short of life, and George whispered: "Or did she mean it?" "Mean what?" "Signorino, domani faremo uno giro " Lucy bent forward and said with gentleness: "Lascia, prego, lascia. Siamo sposati." "Scusi tanto, signora," he replied in tones as gentle and whipped up his horse.

In the archives of Mantua there is a letter from the Marchesa Isabella to Carlo Canale, dated December 4, 1499. Lodovico Gonzaga to Bartolomeo Erba, Siamo contenti contrahi in nome nro. compaternit

In questa nostra navigatione fatta per ordine du V. S. M., oltre i gradi 92 che dal detto meridiano verso lo occidente della prima terra trovamo gradi 34 navigando leghe 300 infra oriente e settentrione leghe 400, quasi allo oriente continuo el lito della terra siamo pervenuti per infino a gradi 50, lasciando la terra che piu tempe fa trovorno li Lusitani, quali seguirno piu al septentrione, pervenendo sino al circulo artico e'l fine lasciendo incognito.

I am come home this moment from a long but not tedious walk, among the crags of this glorious mountain; the base of which nearly reaches, within half a mile perhaps, to the territories of Lucca. Some country girls passed me with baskets of fruit, chickens, &c. on their heads. I addressed them as natives of the last-named place, saying I knew them to be such by their dress and air; one of them instantly replied, "Oh si, siamo Lucchesi, noi altri; gi

La fameuse maxime, 'Siamo veneziani, poi christiani, n'était qu'une formule énergique qui ne prouvait point quils voulussent placer l'intérêt de la religion après celui de l'Etat, mais qui annonçait leur invariable résolution de ne pas souffrir qu'un pouvoir étranger portât atteinte aux droits de la république.

In a very little while he came from the tiny attic bedroom, through the tiniest cupboard of a sitting-room under the eaves, where his books were, and where he had hung his old red India tapestries or silk embroideries and he emerged there up above the world on the loggia. "Now then siamo nel paradiso, eh? Paradisal enough for you, is it?"

You're going to have double that. You're no lily of the valley here, remember. Not with me. Not likely. Siamo nel paradiso, remember." "But why should we drink your whiskey? Tea would do for us just as well." "Not likely! Not likely! When I have the pleasure of your company, my boy, we drink a glass of something, unless I am utterly stripped. Say when, Aaron." "When," said Aaron.