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Terry has shooed him off on that automobile tour I heard about; but he must come back and so must Strathay. I can't wait long, I'm not safe an hour from human vultures hungry for money, though I've none to yield them. I must do something. No sooner had Mrs.

Whereupon the Honourable Hilary shooed out the minor clients, leaned back in his chair, and commanded that his son be admitted. "Judge," said Austen, as he closed the door behind him, "I don't want to bother you." The Honourable Hilary regarded his son for a moment fixedly out of his little eyes. "Humph" he said. Austen looked down at his father.

But every one enjoyed it the items that took the popular fancy were loudly applauded, and the others that weren't so good well, no one minded, as every one was happy, and the lights were very dim! By the end of the concert it was nine o'clock, the time for all visitors to be shooed off home. The bugles blew "The First Post," and every one, very unwilling, made their way slowly down to the gate.

"I'll drive 'em out," said Rachel, delighted at the chance of action this would give her, and springing off. "Take the broom," screamed Grandma after her, "and then hurry and come back and tell me some more." So Rachel, wishing the duty could be an hour long, shooed and waved her broom wildly, and ran and raced, and the fat old hens tumbled over each other to get away.

Every man from the bunk-house came regularly, often including Pop Wallis, who had not yet recovered fully from the effect of his wife's new bonnet and fluffy arrangement of hair, but treated her like a lady visitor and deferred to her absolutely when he was at home. He wasn't quite sure even yet but he had strayed by mistake into the outermost courts of heaven and ought to get shooed out.

Joe took a broom and shooed Henry out into the yard. A scream out there followed almost instantly, for Henry had ambled around the house to make the acquaintance of Anne Nesbit. "The beast is chasing me!" she panted, as she ran back into the house. No one gave heed to her, so she ran to Nora and the two consoled each other. In the meantime, Grace had revived Emma.

The Applebys didn't have muffins, but they did have sandwiches, and everybody was happy. Mother shooed the maid out into the kitchen, and herself, with awkward eagerness to get orders exactly right, leaned over the tea-table.

At this instant, Captain Griggs woke to the fact that his helm was still lashed, and bestowing a hearty kick on his prostrate quartermaster stuck fast to the pitchy seams of the deck, took the wheel himself, and easing off before the wind to bring the vessels broadside to broadside, commanded that the guns be shooed to the muzzle, an order that was barely executed before the brigantine came within close range.

She could beat up biscuits that fell apart at the lightest pressure, revealing little pools of golden butter within. Oh, Pearlie could cook! On week days Pearlie rattled the typewriter keys, but on Sundays she shooed her mother out of the kitchen. Her mother went, protesting faintly: "Now, Pearlie, don't fuss so for dinner.

We'll have to put some new initials on the Mechanical Transport, he says, 'B.N.M.T. Benevolent Neutral! I must tell Dallas of the Transport that. And he shooed me off with that." The sergeant had worked busily as he talked, and now, as he commenced to replace the repaired fork, he was thoughtfully silent a moment.