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In most cases they are mere shirkers, and that is why they cling to their posts and seek every day to prove themselves indispensable by discovering all sorts of crimes. Because they do not want to go to the trenches other people must go to prison. Put an end to the state of martial law, and help us to root up a state of things which disgraces the German name."

He did not fill his counting-room with shirkers and incompetents; he did not find sinecures for his wife's poor relations; he did not pad his payroll with parasites whose characteristics were an itching palm and an unconquerable aversion to work. He knew how to select the quickest, cleverest, most industrious assistants, and through them he prospered.

Oh, yes; they discuss manliness every day, and do a great deal more towards wearing out the word Virtue than the orators; but you will find them still greater cowards and shirkers. How do I know? In the first place, can any one name a philosopher killed in battle? No, they either do not serve, or else run away.

After the surviving remnants of the Confederate army came home, and the shirkers came in from the bushes, all of the little copper stills started up for a joyful time, and public sentiment was so strongly against Federal interference that they were not molested much for two or three years.

"We were just saying what a very unfortunate thing, what a very deeply unfortunate thing it is that none of us principals are of an age to do the right thing by the Firm by joining the Army. I'm afraid we've got one or two shirkers downstairs, and we were just saying what a splendid, what an entirely splendid thing it would be if one of us were able to set them an example."

"Not a cent not a cent!" they heard Farmer Weeks say, angrily. "I ain't a-goin' to give none of my good money that I worked for to any low-down shirkers like you hey, what are you doin' there, tryin' to trip me up?"

The teachers watched for shirkers more closely, too. Even Mary Cox and her friends next door showed some signs of industry. "Although it does seem as though we were always being worked to death," groaned Heavy, one day, to Ruth. "I feel as though my constitution was actually breaking down under the strain.

During the next march ten miles were covered, and the ponies, on a better surface, easily dragged their loads, but signs of bad weather began to appear in the morning, and by 4 P.M. on Saturday a blizzard arrived and held up the party in Corner Camp for three days. 'No fun to be out of the tent but there are no shirkers with us.

The grounds committee of another country club offered two hundred and fifty for that same canoe a month later. "Now, fellows," Dick went on, "suppose we leave here and decide how we're to lay out this money for our summer camp?" The vote was carried instantly. With a whoop of glee the chums started for Dave's house. "Now, get to work!" shouted Dick Prescott. "Destruction to all shirkers!"

Don't wake the sleepers -poor, tired shirkers!" Tom, in utter disgust, leaped aboard the boat at the bow. There, behind the wheel, Evarts lay on the floor of the boat, his rolled-up coat serving as a pillow. Almost noiselessly Tom hauled up the light anchor. Then he stood by the wheel. "All ready at the engine, Mr. Reade!" called the superintendent, softly.