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Our prize had the following high-sounding name Nostra Senoria de la Incarnacion Disenganio, commanded by the Chevalier Jean Pichberty, a Frenchman. She had twenty guns and twenty pattereroes, with 193 men, of whom nine were killed, ten wounded, and several sore scorched with gun-powder. We engaged her three glasses, in which time only I and another were wounded.

I had looked on in dumb amaze; but at the sight of the naked weapons I screamed aloud. Instantly the two men seemed to recollect themselves. They drew back and eyed each other coldly. "Hasta conveniente ocasion, caballero!" said the Spaniard, returning his sword to its scabbard, and bowing low. "A la disposicion de vuestra señoria, Don Pedro," replied my betrothed, following his example.

He had gained a lot of assurance from the conciliatory manner of the Juez, and said suddenly, in a tentative way: "An evil person; a heretic? Who knows? Perhaps it was he who incited some people there to murder his señoria, the illustrious Don." I said almost contemptuously, "Surely the charge against me is most absurd? Everyone knows who I am."

That general, who had been standing incognito near the door, gazing with honest admiration at the hero of so many a hard-fought field, withdrew as he approached, that he might not give the invalid the trouble of alighting. Louis, however, recognising him, addressed him with the Spanish salutation, "Perdone vuestra Senoria la pesedumbre," and paused at the gate.

Are you still in the service of Count Villabuena?" "No, Señor," replied the man, "I have left his Señoria, and the mules are my own. I shall be passing near the count's house to-morrow, if you have any thing to send." "I have nothing," answered Don Luis. "Should you by chance see any of the family, it is unnecessary to mention our meeting."

"I understand that su señoria, in here proposing retrenchment, is really seeking to combat religious institutions, of which he is a declared enemy." And as he reached this point, Rafael dashed wildly into the fray. He was treading firm and familiar ground.

VECINA. ¿Y para qué es el dinero, señora, si no para gastar?... como dijo el otro ... y Dios le a su señoría mucho ... porque lo sabe emplear, y porque no regatea ... como otras usías de medio pelo que conozco yo, y que....

That general, who had been standing incognito near the door, gazing with honest admiration at the hero of so many a hard-fought field, withdrew as he approached, that he might not give the invalid the trouble of alighting. Louis, however, recognising him, addressed him with the Spanish salutation, "Perdone vuestra Senoria la pesedumbre," and paused at the gate.

Whilst the party above-stairs hurried to the windows, and endeavoured to discern who it was that disturbed them in so unceremonious a manner, a servant opened the small grated wicket in the centre of the door, and enquired the stranger's pleasure. "Is the Conde de Villabuena at home?" demanded the horseman. "I must see him instantly." "The name of your Señoria," enquired the domestic.

Here, since my arrival, besides a perpetual court of company and entertainments of the best above stairs, and ranks of soldiers, with multitudes of others below, upon my account, in this famous palace of the King, where I am lodging in his Majesty's own bedchamber, as royally furnished as when himself was in it, visits I have received in form from their Excellency the City, by their Representatives; from their Senoria the Audiencia, by their Regente; from their Senoria the Contratacion House, by their Presidente; and from his Illustrissima the Archbishop, being at present sick, by message; all which I have repaid respectively; and tomorrow, God willing, set forth towards Cordova; perceiving beforehand that my salida will be proportionable to my entrada.