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"I may not be awake, for Stonie got me up so awfully early to help him and Uncle Tucker grease those foolish little turkeys' heads to keep off the dew gaps, but I'll go to sleep on the settee in the hall, and you can just shake me up to give you your supper." "I'll do nothing of the kind, you foolish child," answered Everett. "Go to bed and but a woman can't manage her dreams, can she?"

Then I felt, if I was to enter the ministry, I must be able to at least speak in a prayer-meeting. I learned a little piece by heart to say, but when the hour came, I forgot much of it in my terror. At the critical moment, I grasped the back of the settee in front of me and pulled myself hurriedly to my feet and held on to the settee.

They passed into the reception room, with its shining floor, its marvellous rugs, its silken hangings, and its great vases of flowers. Prince Shan led his companion into a recess, where the light failed to penetrate so completely as into the rest of the apartment. A wide settee, piled with cushions, protruded from the wall in semicircular shape.

Her father had taught her to despise the pettiness of women, but in Mrs. Chumley's sweet sympathy she had found a new model of conduct. Her later philosophy was a quaint one. "It isn't fair, Mrs. Chumley," she said one day, sitting on the settee in her little room, knees drawn up to chin and her arms embracing them "it isn't fair to hate a girl for being spiteful.

Jo and his partisans got equally angry, and it was a wise suggestion of Huldah's that quieted them. "Feyther," said she, "ah'll sleep i' the kitchen the night. If Wully 'as ae way of gettin' oot ah'll see it, an' if he's no oot an' sheep's killed on the country-side, we'll ha' proof it's na Wully." That night Huldah stretched herself on the settee and Wully slept as usual underneath the table.

The floor, perhaps, Sir, you remember your grandmother's floor, of snowy boards sanded with whitest sand; you remember the ancient fireplace stretching quite across one end, a vast cavern, in each corner of which a cozy seat might be found, distant enough to enjoy the crackle of the great jolly wood-fire; across the room ran a dresser, on which was displayed great store of shining pewter dishes and plates, which always shone with the same mysterious brightness; and by the side of the fire, a commodious wooden "settee," or settle, offered repose to people too little accustomed to luxury to ask for a cushion.

Afterwards he occasionally came in to see if the fire was burning, to ask her if she wanted anything, to tell her that the wind had shifted from south to west, to ask her if she would like him to gather her some blackberries; to all which inquiries she replied in the negative or with indifference. She remained on the settee some time longer, when she aroused herself and went upstairs.

LaHume was shot back several yards and fell heavily, his feet in the path and his head and shoulders on the turf. It all happened so quickly that we stood there, spellbound. We saw Miss Lawrence rush forward and half fall into Wallace's arms. We saw him stagger to a lawn settee, she still clinging to him and screaming. LaHume lay as if dead.

Tillie still lay on the kitchen settee, her father sitting at her side, when the doctor and Sammy arrived. The other children had all been put to bed, and Mrs. Getz, seated at the kitchen table, was working on a pile of mending by the light of a small lamp. The doctor's verdict, when he had examined his patient's tongue, felt her pulse, and taken her temperature, was not clear.

"By way of showing alertness, Totten!" growled the Senator. "So I ban dream somet'ing! Ba gar! I dream dat t'ree or two bobcat he come " "Never mind the details of the dream, Paul!" interposed Morrison. "These gentlemen have business! Get 'em to the laugh, quick!" "Ma big button on ma belt she caught on de crack between de slat of dat settee.