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No man in the village dare tell you, for you have no friends, but I tell you, that you may save Soada before it is too late. Mahommed Selim lives; or lived last quarter of the moon, so says Yusef the ghaffir. Sell your ten-months' camel, buy the lad out, and bring him back to Soada." "Saadat!" said Wassef, in a quick fear, and dropped the stem of the narghileh, and got to his feet.

There seemed to be a moment's hesitation on the bowab's part, but he was presently assured by something the visitor showed him, and the latter made his way deliberately to the palace doors. As the visitor neared the holy man, who chanted on monotonously, he was suddenly startled to hear between the long-drawn syllables the quick words in Arabic: "Beware, Saadat!

"Drawing back? No! But does thee think they are worth " Lacey assumed an injured air. "If a man that's made as much money as me can't be trusted to look after a business proposition " "Oh, well, then!" "Say, Saadat, I don't want you to think I've taken a mean advantage of you; and if " David hastened to put the matter right. "No, no; thee must be the judge!" He smiled sceptically.

Dicky looked at Achmed Hariri for a moment without stirring or speaking; his lips relaxed, his eyes softening with satisfaction. "She is living?" "But living, saadat el basha." Dicky started to his feet. "At the mudirieh?" "At the house of Azra, the seller of sherbet, saadat el basha." "When did she leave the mudirieh?" "A week past, effendi." "Why did she leave?"

If it be to go to the Soudan, I am thine; if it be to stay, I am thy servant and thy brother. But whether it be life or death, thou must sleep, for the young are like water without sleep. Thou canst not live in strength nor die with fortitude without it. For the old, malaish, old age is between a sleeping and a waking! Come, Saadat! Forget not, thou must ride again to Cairo at dawn."

Then he was stricken with leprosy, and was carried to the place from whence no leper returns. At first my heart rejoiced; then, at last, I forgave him, Saadat was he not my father's son, and was the woman not gone to the bosom of Allah, where is peace?

On the instant he saw the trap for the Saadat and for himself. "He would not do it not for money, pasha." "He would not be doing it for money. The time is not ripe for it, it is too dangerous. There is a time for all things. If he will but wait!" "I wouldn't like to be the man that'd name the thing to him. As you say, he's got his prejudices. They're stronger than in most men."

From this absorption he was roused by Lacey, who came galloping towards him. "They've come, Saadat, they've come at last! We're saved oh, my God, you bet we're all right now! See! See, Saadat!" David saw. Five steamers carrying the Egyptian flag were bearing around the point where the river curved below the town, and converging upon David's small fleet.

As men meet who parted yesterday, Kaid, Nahoum, and David met, but Kaid's first quiet words to David had behind them a world of meaning: "I also have come back, Saadat, to whom be the bread that never moulds and the water that never stales!" he said, with a look in his face which had not been there for many a day.

His eyes shone- a steady, indomitable light. "I will not give in. I still have hope. We are few and they are many, but the end of a battle has never been sure. We may not fail even now. Help may come from Cairo even to- morrow." "Say, somehow you've always pulled through before, Saadat. When I've been most frightened I've perked up and stiffened my backbone, remembering your luck.