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"Certainly, everything has been given to me," said the rose-tree, "but still more has been given to you. You are one of those meditative, pensive, profound natures, one of the highly gifted, that astound the whole world!" "I have assuredly no such thought in my mind," said the snail, "the world is nothing to me! What have I to do with the world? I have enough with myself, and enough in myself!"

Daisy looked at her, with a new tide of tenderness flowing up in her heart, along with the doubt how her mission should be executed or how it would be received; then she gave up her reins, took the rose-tree in her hands, and softly opened the little wicket gate.

I think, I remember having been with you in another land, and I recollect surely I recollect, a pretty cottage with a rose-tree at the door a rose-tree in full bloom; and tying the knot of an officer's scarf, and his holding me long to his heart, and blessing me again and again " "Before he went to battle!" said the lady, "before he went to death!"

It was equally in vain to justify the consoling conviction or to resist it; and Ferdinand Armine, although in a spunging-house, fell asleep in better humour with his destiny than he had been for the last eight months. His dreams were charming: he fancied that he was at Armine, standing by the Barbary rose-tree.

We can conceive that a small number of the families of plants, for instance the musaceae and the palms, cannot belong to very cold regions, on account of their internal structure, and the importance of certain organs; but we cannot explain why no one of the family of the Melastomaceae vegetates north of the parallel of the thirtieth degree of latitude, or why no rose-tree belongs to the southern hemisphere.

There was still the possibility of that "lapsed mythology," the dream of poets and the delight of artists, seeming positively the best form of expression for sentiments aroused by nature. De Rerum Naturâ, lib. v. 737. The rose-tree background in a Madonna belonging to Lord Elcho is a charming instance of the value given to flowers by careful treatment. I cannot bring myself to accept Mr.

The little offering was made each time that they took their walk in the direction of Craddock. The grave looked fresh and sweet in the summer sunshine, with the ivy creeping up the tomb-stone and half obliterating the name. A rose-tree that Hadria and Martha had planted together, was laden with rich red blooms. The two figures stood, hand in hand, by the grave.

But, when mother moved towards the stairs to go up to her bedroom and take off her bonnet, the eight arms clung round her just as if she only had two children, one the Lamb and the other an octopus. "Don't go up, mummy darling," said Anthea; "let me take your things up for you." "Or I will," said Cyril. "We want you to come and look at the rose-tree," said Robert.

So Kit hung the rose-tree with little scraps of crape, and was put, dazed and white, into a train and whisked a hundred miles off. And everybody forgot him. Kit spent two years at the Orphanage in an antique, preposterous suit snuff-coloured coat with lappels, canary waistcoat, and corduroy small-clothes. And they gave him his meals regularly.

"Miss Yerba!" said a dry, masculine voice from the veranda. The taller young girl started, and drew herself suddenly behind a large Castilian rose-tree, dragging her companion with her, and putting her finger imperatively upon a pretty but somewhat passionate mouth. The other girl checked a laugh, and remained watching her friend's wickedly leveled brows in amused surprise.