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"I must go soon and get it. But how " She paused and thought. "How do you come down to-morrow?" "I don't. I go on to Brussels. There is a car at Revins belonging to my agent. He will take me to Dinant for the Brussels train." "You are bound for Brussels? Yet you could have gone straight from Paris to Brussels?" "Yet I didn't because I wanted to see you!"

Mon Papa, ma Tante, et le monsieur dent men frere avoit parle, furent tous assembles dans le Salon, et en peu de temps je m'y rendis aussi. C'est souvent l'ordre du Ciel que quand on a perdu un plaisir il y en a un autre pret a prendre sa place. Ainsi je venois de partir de tres-chers amis, mais tout a l'heure je revins a des parens aussi chers et bon dans le moment.

They drove into Amiens in the streaming daylight. The rain poured. "I am sending you to my home," he said. "Every inch of the country is mine. You go to a town that I know, villages that I know, roads that I have walked and ridden and driven upon. You go to my country. I like to think of that." "I shall go at once to see your house in Revins."

His usually pale face was flushed. "Do you see down there, do you see in this light a village?" She could see well enough a village. "That's Revins. And those dark dots beyond " "I see them." "My factories. Before the summer you'll see smoke down there! They are partially destroyed. One can't see well, one can't see how much " "Julien!" "Yes?" "Have you never been back?

Je revins

"Put them on," and he held the coat for her. "But once you have the car there's no hurry over our drive. Yes, fetch it quickly, and then we'll go up above Revins and I'll show you the things I have in mind." "What things?" He drew out a fat, red note-book and held it up. "It's full of my thoughts," he said. "Quick with the car, and we'll get up there while it's light enough to show you!"

Her eyes sparkled. I could! I will, I will, I'll manage! You counted on me to drive you to Revins?" "Will it be difficult to manage?" "No o But I must get the car out before dark or there will be no excuse " She pushed back her chair and went to the window. The sun was sinking over the mountains and the scenery in the western sky was reflected in the fiery pools between the cobbles in the street.

But though the slopes ahead of them were still alight, depths, distance, the crowding and thickening of twilight in the hollows behind them offered no detail. "I fear they are," she said, gazing with him. "I think they are. I think I can remember that they are." Soon they would be at the top of the long descent on Revins. Should she tell him, he who sat so close, so unsuspecting?

A glance round the room had shown her that there were no signs of her packing; her heavy kitbag was at the station, her suitcase packed and in the cupboard. She put her gravest news away till later. "You came by the new train that has arrived at last in Charleville?" "Yes, and I go up to Revins to-night." She paused at that. "But how?" "I don't know," he answered, smiling at her.

«Je revins a Sortino, et en allant visiter l'emplacement de l'ancienne Erbessus, connue maintenant sous le nom de Pentarica, je traversai deux gorges d'une extrême profondeur, dont les encaissemens, taillés presque