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We've all cot our fery own names, only in pad tays, my laty, we ton't aalways know which tey are exactly; but we aal know which we are each other, and we get on fery coot without the names. We lay tem py with our Sappath clothes for a few tays, and they come out ta fresher and ta sweeter for keeping ta Sappath so long, my laty.

"Oo!" murmured Teresa; "I am charmed to meet Señor Dunnerwierst." Hans seemed speechless as he bowed and bowed, keeping his eyes on Teresa all the while. Finally he turned, seized Gallup by the shoulder, pulled him down, and hissed in his ear: "How dit you dood id? You vos so homely dot a clock coot stob you, und you haf marreed up py a curl dot vords coot not found my tongue for expressment."

"Py Cot," said Duncan, "then I will stay here no longer than to trink this very horn of prandy and water, for it's very possible they will pe in the wood. Donacha's a clever fellow, and maype thinks it pest to sit next the chimley when the lum reeks. He thought naebody would look for him sae near hand!

"Yuh don't want to mind anything he says while he's like this; yuh know Weary's a good friend to yuh when he's sober. Get some strong coffee that'll straighten him out." "Py cosh, I not feed no drunk fools. I not care if it iss Weary. He hit mine jaw " "Aw, gwan! I guess yuh never get that way yourself," put in Happy Jack, ponderously sarcastic.

He stood with his back against the great arched window flooded with the yellow light of the setting sun, a little black figure in high relief, with a face of parchment. And he took a pinch of snuff before he spoke. "I am here py Mr. Carvel's orters, sir," said he, "and py tose alone vill I leaf."

"Vell, how apout hayseeds? You raise dose ub there py der quandity, I pelief me?" "What makes ye think so?" "Because your hair vos full of id." "What's that? what's that?" cried Ephraim, in astonishment, quickly removing his cap and clawing through his hair with his fingers. "Hayseed in my hair? Darned if I believe it!" The boys roared, and the face of the country lad grew crimson.

Allen, let's be getting forward, I can hardly wait till I see my boy." The horses plunged forward and clattered down the hillside. Geisler watched them till a bend in the road below hid them from view. Then he turned slowly to reenter the stockade. "Py chiminy," he muttered, emitting huge clouds of blue smoke, "I dink me dere vos a vood-pile in dot nigger, py cracious."

The result, however, was not quite what he expected. Patsy would not even listen. "Py cosh, I not stand for dose poys no more," he declared, wagging his head with its shiny crown and the fringe of grizzled hair around the back. "I not cook grub for dat Irish und dat Big Medicine und Happy Jack und all dose vat cooms und eats mine pies und shpoils mine pread und makes deirselves fools all der time.

"Py de looks off tem togs I tink you ban in some hurry, no?" "Uh huh! I come to telegraph for de docteur. Hugo heem 'urted h'awful bad. Look lak' heem die, mebbe." Stefan bellowed out an oath and began running towards his house at a tremendous gait. Papineau jumped on his toboggan and followed, only catching up after they had gone a couple of hundred yards.

"Say, dot pow ist like a fountain," was Hans' comment, after he had received an unexpected ducking. "I shall sit py der pack deck after dis;" and he did. So far Captain Starr had said but little during the pursuit, but now he began to show signs of interest.