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Austin's in the morning, but Katherine had promised to come back to fetch them in time for the luncheon at Mr. Somerville's, and thus Dora had the full advantage of studying the Puddington monument before the service began.

I can get mutton at home; or 'What infernal impertinence it is of the Spooners to get ENTREES from the pastrycook's, and fancy that I am to be deceived with their stories about their French cook! Then, again, there is Jack Puddington I saw that honest fellow t'other day quite in a rage, because, as chance would have it, Sir John Carver asked him to meet the very same party he had met at Colonel Cramley's the day before, and he had not got up a new set of stories to entertain them.

"How frightful to find witchcraft on our own shores! Charlestown and Salem have been so invaded by it. There even children have been accused." Fearfully she grasped little Hannah by the hand and hurried home. When the fish were well cooked, Mrs. Puddington laid one temptingly on a hot pewter plate and covered it. "There, Hannah, take this to Goodwife Trimmings. It may tempt her appetite.

This strange experience of the Puddington household was told throughout the village. Some were satisfied that witchery was no longer to be feared, but others still held their belief. In course of time, however, the witch acts believed of Jane Walford were forgotten. John Hinkson led his saddled horse from the stable one September morning in 1662.

In place of logs, houses were built of bricks burned in the dooryard; or else were constructed of frames of oak, often with pitched roofs that sloped to the ground. It was in such a house as this that Hannah Puddington lived. Old Buff, her large, yellow cat, would sometimes run to the ridgepole and from there watch for the river boats as they returned with fresh fish.

When she first came home, she could not speak. Her breathing troubled her, but later she complained that her back was as a flame of fire and her limbs numb with cold. Goody Walford told her that she would take a long journey but would never return, and then the witch seemed to vanish in the shape of a cat. My wife has since been very ill." Goodwife Puddington listened with alarm.

Hannah had not seen her dearly loved pet since she had left him in the woods the day before. She feared to have him come home, yet her heart yearned for Old Buff. That day it was discovered that much of the homemade soap stored under the pitch of the roof had disappeared. "Cat-witchery it surely is!" declared Mrs. Puddington. Little Hannah, miserably unhappy, tossed in her bed that night.

Finally, he exhibited a declaration in his behalf signed by many of the Puritan emigrants from Virginia, among whom were William Durand, their elder, and James Cox and Samuel Puddington, the two burgesses from Providence in the assembly of 1650. Nevertheless, Baltimore played a losing game.

'That when anyone wishes to distinguish the Reverend Hugh Puddington from all other Vicars of Abbeychurch, his appellation is "The man that built the kitchen chimney." 'That being, I suppose, the only record he has left behind him, said Anne. 'The only one now existing, said Elizabeth, 'since Papa has made his great horrid pew in the chancel into open seats.

Her husband would not let her feed his cattle for fear she would bewitch them. After sunset Goodwife Evans, frightened by the reports, came to the Puddington house and begged that she might stay for the night. "I am followed by a yellowish cat wherever I go. I am sure 'tis the witch work of Goody Walford. Oh, don't open that door!" she cried. "It will come in." She dropped trembling to the settle.