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"And would you be supposing then, that if the dear blessed child should be desirous of consulting me I wouldn't have rejoiced to come to her a thousand times as early and from ten thousand times as far?" he enquired, between large mouthfuls of kidney and fried bacon. "The scheming little pudding-faced governess creature, with a cherry nose and an envious eye to her" he commented to himself.

But, Barry" his voice changed, grew warmer, kinder "circumstances are circumstances. The daily lives of all of us are shaped differently yours as well as mine here in this pudding-faced civilization and in the iron conventions of London town; and we must adapt ourselves accordingly. We used to flop down on our Louis Quinze furniture on the Vaal with our muddy boots on in our front drawing-room.

As I lay with my hand where I could feel the girl's healthy breathing, I wondered would she too dismiss my chosen knight as pudding-faced and red-headed, or would she see him with my eyes! His locks certainly were of that most attractive shade hair can be, and his good looks were further enhanced by a clear tanned skin and dark eyes.

Erebus measured the distance with the eye of an expert, just as there came into the farther end of the hall that large, flabby, pudding-faced young Pomeranian Briton, Mr. D'Arcy Rosenheimer. "Where's the boacher?" he roared in an eager, angry voice, reverting in his emotion to the ancestral "b." As the keeper turned to him Erebus sprang to the door and threw it wide. "Bolt, Wiggins!" she cried.

"You make them false to their earliest loves " "She was a pudding-faced thing," observed Dolly. I frowned. Dolly, by an accident, allowed the tip of her finger to touch my arm for an instant. "He's a nice boy," said she. "How like he is to you, Mr. Carter!" "I am a long way past that," said I. "I am thirty-six." "If you mean to be disagreeable!" said she turning away.

On a chair sat her mild young husband nursing the baby a pudding-faced, weak-eyed child. "You take it and get into the cart with it," said Tant Sannie. "What do you want here, listening to our woman's talk?" The young man arose, and meekly went out with the baby. "I'm very glad you are going to be married, my child," said Tant Sannie, as she drained the last drop from her coffee cup.

"I beg your pardon for touching you, Mr. Carter." "I did not notice it, Lady Mickleham." "Would you like to get out?" "It's miles from my club," said I discontentedly. "He's such fun," said Dolly, with a sudden smile. "He told Archie that I was the most charming woman in London! You've never done that!" "He said the same about the pudding-faced girl," I observed. There was a pause.

She loves me as never a woman loved a man, and if she saw me put my love afore my duty, I'll tell you what she'd say she'd say she'd been mistook in me." "And don't she love me, you pudding-faced fool!" cried Chawner. "Don't she set her father higher than a man she hasn't known a year? Be fair to yourself, Borlase, or else you'll lose the hope of your life.

"What's that, boy?" cried the pudding-faced fellow, with his pencil in one hand and his book in the other. "Pea soup, 13," replied Tom; "ladies' bonnets, 24. Now, then, master, chalk again, pipe-clay for sodgers, 3; red herrings, 26." All of which were carefully noted down by Mr Grubbins who, when the lighter was cleared, took the memoranda to Mr Drummond.

At the foot of the hill, a hundred yards below the clump, lay Great Deeping wood, acre upon acre. It had lately passed, along with the rest of the Great Deeping estate, into the hands of Mr. D'Arcy Rosenheimer, a pudding-faced, but stanch young Briton of the old Pomeranian strain.