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Expecting every moment to get the cue from the prompter's box, what was his horror to hear, after waiting what probably seemed to him about an hour, instead of the cue, in a hoarse whisper that could be distinctly heard all over the room, the comforting remark, "I say, Charlie, I've lost the blooming place!"

Ah! if the journalists, the dandies, and some few fair Parisians among the audience wondered how that German with the tragical countenance had cropped up on a first night to occupy a side box all to himself when fashionable Paris filled the house, if these could have seen the history played out upon the stage before the prompter's box, they would have found it far more interesting than the transformation scenes of The Devil's Betrothed, though indeed it was the two hundred thousandth representation of a sublime allegory performed aforetime in Mesopotamia three thousand years before Christ was born.

She came to get a part for her daughter; it was one of the prompter's duties to copy the parts for the various actors. But who was this daughter? Fraulein Clara, the fair Amalie of The Robbers, the lovely leading lady of the theatre. My daughter has an autograph of Andersen containing the words, "Life is the fairest fairy tale." Ay, our lives are often like fairy tales.

It is said, in defence of the variations which exist between the German original and the version given by Coleridge, that he translated from a prompter's copy in manuscript, before the drama had been printed, and that Schiller himself subsequently altered it, by omitting some passages, adding others, and even engrafting several of Coleridge's adaptations.

She told me that she loved him still. One never comes to understand a woman!" "For they are blest that have not much to rue That have not oft misheard the prompter's cue." The gale was apparently at its height that is to say, it was blowing harder than it had blown all through the night.

It's four kicks and a turn," said Dick Four. "Oh! Er! John Short will ring the curtain down. And ring the prompter's bell; We hope you know before you go That we all wish you well." "Rippin'! Rippin'! Now for the Widow's scene with the Princess. Hurry up, Turkey." McTurk, in a violet silk skirt and a coquettish blue turban, slouched forward as one thoroughly ashamed of himself.

She came to get a part for her daughter; it was one of the prompter's duties to copy the parts for the various actors. But who was this daughter? Fraulein Clara, the fair Amalie of The Robbers, the lovely leading lady of the theatre. My daughter has an autograph of Andersen containing the words, "Life is the fairest fairy tale." Ay, our lives are often like fairy tales.

Should I buy a copy? No; the name repelled me as all popular names repelled me. In preference I went to the Gymnase, and listened attentively to a comedy by M. Dumas fils. But strain my imagination as I would, I could not see the spoken words in their written form. Oh, for a look at the prompter's copy, the corner of which I could see when I leaned forward!

We sat down to table, and afterwards rehearsed the piece without any need of the prompter's assistance. Towards evening the ambassador told the company that he would expect them to supper that evening at Soleure, and everyone left with the exception of the ambassador, myself, and M. and Madame . Just as we were going I had an agreeable surprise.

And then suddenly he remembered that he must have been standing close by the prompter's box, absorbed in talking to Miss Cunyngham, when Nina would have to come up to go on the stage. Had she passed them? Had she suspected? Had she, in her proud and petted way, resented this intimacy, and resolved to throw back to him the harmless little gifts he had bestowed on her?