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"Here, Cosmo! jist hearken to this bit o' wisdom, my man frae a hert doobtless praisin' God this mony a day in higher warl's: 'He that would always know before he trusts, who would have from his God a promise before he will expect, is the slayer of his own eternity." The words mingled strangely with what had just passed between him and Agnes.

"Most probable," sez Josiah, "most probable she did." He thought I wuz praisin' men up, and he acted tickled most to death. "Yes, some man without any doubt, advised her, told her that some other widder would lose one of hern, and give hers to the meetin' house, jest the mate to hern.

Well, father never entered the horse at all, but stood by and see'd the races, and the winnin horse was followed about by the matter of two or three thousand people, a praisin of him and admirin him. They seemed as if they never had see'd a horse afore. The owner of him was all up on eend a boastin of him, and a stumpin the course to produce a horse to run agin him for four hundred dollars.

Usborne of Aruprior Canady West, and knew the Ottawa as well as any man, two years with his brother in Michigan and two years in Kuwatin, and all the fault of the editor of the Ottawa Times newspaper, for praisin' up the country and tellin' lies about the wages." Cahill always dressed in his best on Sunday. How he managed to get up his white shirts was a mystery.

People PRAISIN' that fellow, that nobody in their sober minds and senses never in their lives had a good word for before! Why, there was more talk yesterday about his doin's at the Court-house you'd of thought he was Phil Sheridan! It's 'Joe Louden' here and 'Joe Louden' there, and 'Joe Louden' this and 'Joe Louden' that, till I'm sick of the name!"

"Well, said Twitt, slowly "I aint so blind but I can see through a wall when there's a chink in it. An' when I gets my 'Daily' down from Lunnun, an' sees harf a page given up to a kind o' poster about Pills, an' another harf a page praisin' up somethin' about Tonics, I often sez to myself: 'Look 'ere, Twitt! What are ye payin' yer pennies out for? For a Patent Pill or for News?

"Well, I could be namin' two or three others of the same mind, if I'd take the trouble. It's all sensible enough to lambaste the women when they don't pick up every virtue that we throw away, but what's to be expected of 'em, I ax, when all the men sence Adam have been praisin' the sober kind of gal while they was runnin' arter the silly?

It is a noble thing to do, Josiah Allen; they might have built high walls round 'em if they had been a mind to, and locked the gates and shet out all the poor and tired-out ones, But they didn't, and I am highly tickled at the thought on't, Josiah Allen." "Wall, I don't shet up our sugar lot, do I? and I have never heerd you say one word a praisin' me up for that."

The girl's face became grave. She murmured to Harry, "Ever try praisin' to big stupid?" "Him? Are you joshin' me, Jessie? What's he ever done to be praised about?" "You watch!" said the girl. Growing excited with her idea, she called, "Say, Bull!" He lifted his head, but not his eyes.

"Praise be to the saints!" exclaimed the skipper with intense relief. "That bes done an' a good job, too. That letter'll never be gettin' to up-along, anyhow, an' when she larns how rich I be, an' begins to love me, she'll be praisin' the saints the same as me. Why for would she want to be goin' up-along to New York, anyhow?