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It was time this most attractive young man next door paid her more attention. "How does the hero of the fire survive?" she asked him archly. "Hero?" "Don't pretend ignorance. Charles told me all about it. He heard your tale at the Monumental." "It's hardly heroism to get out of a scrape the best way possible."

He did not pretend to a keen insight into other men's characters, but he conceived that De Froilette would not be likely to lose sight of his own interests, no matter whom he served, nor how humbly such service might be tendered.

"Well, it's this way," said the mate, coughing; "they've sent you to sea to get you out of this fellow's way, so if you fall in love with somebody on the ship they'll send you home again." "So they will," said the girl eagerly. "I'll pretend to fall in love with that nice-looking sailor you call Harry. What a lark!" "I shouldn't do that," said the mate gravely. "Why not?" said the girl.

Now it is shameful that we should be branded as deserters and runaways, but it is just as foolhardy to venture above our strength; and thus there is proved to be equal blame either way. We must, then, pretend to go over to the enemy, but, when a chance comes in our way, we must desert him betimes.

He would keep up this funny performance as long as anybody would stand before him and pretend to dance too. My jay was fond of a sensation. One of his dearest bits of fun was to drive the birds into a panic. This he did by flying furiously around the room, feathers rustling, and squawking as loud as he could.

I cannot pretend to deny that I am interested in the girl. These young girls that live in boarding-houses can do pretty much as they will. The female gendarmes are off guard occasionally.

"Those who carp against us at home," continued the speaker, trying in vain to find some graceful way of coming to a close, "those who dishonor the flag are the men who pretend to be filled with humanity and to desire the welfare of mankind. They pretend to object to bloodshed. They are mere sentimentalists. They are not practical men.

Ottilia! She disengaged her arms tenderly. 'I have known it by my knowledge of myself, she said, breathing with her lips dissevered. 'My weakness has come upon me. Yes, I love you. It is spoken. It is too true. Is it a fate that brings us together when I have just lost my little remaining strength all power? You hear me! I pretend to wisdom, and talk of fate!

"S'pose," said Russell, snoring thoughtfully, "s'pose we had a telegraph!" "S'pose we had an airship! One's just as easy as the other. Don't be a juggins." But Russell snored on unperturbed. "I don't mean a real telegraph, only a sort of pretend! There's our side window, and your back windows. If we could run a line across." "A line of what?" "String. Wire. Anything we like."

She said, actually repeating her last words, "Yes, if you ask me, it's because you don't think they're good enough for you. As it happens, there're all sorts of particularly nice men up there, only you never take the trouble to know them. And clever the only thing you pretend to judge by; though what you can find clever in Mr. Fargus or those Perches goodness only knows.