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The Pornes were sympathetic and anxious. "That place'll cost her all of $10,000 a year, with those twenty-five to feed, and they only pay $4.50 a week I know that!" said Mr. Porne. "It does look impossible," his wife agreed, "but such is my faith in Diantha Bell I'd back her against Rockefeller!" Mrs. Weatherstone was not alarmed at all.

To say a word about it To criticize or doubt it To seek to mend or move it To venture to improve it Is The Unpardonable Sin! "Old Song." Mr. Porne took an afternoon off and came with his wife to hear their former housemaid lecture. As many other men as were able did the same. All the members not bedridden were present, and nearly all the guests they had invited.

What we ask of all women, we stare at in one, And tribute of wonderment bring; If this task of the million is once fitly done We all hold our hands up and sing! It's really a singular thing! Isabel Porne was a cautious woman, and made no acclaim over her new acquisition until its value was proven.

You know she's studied this thing all out, and she knows about it statistics and things. I was astonished till I found she used to teach school. Just think of it! And to be willing to work out! She certainly does her work beautiful, but it doesn't seem like having a servant at all. I feel as if I boarded with her!" "Why she seemed to me very modest and unpresuming," put in Mr. Porne.

I'm tired of those two Swedes already. O come from? Up in Jopalez, Inca County, I believe." "New England stock I bet," said Mr. Thaddler. "Its a damn shame the way the women go on about her." "Not all of them, surely," protested Mr. Porne. "No, not all of 'em, but enough of 'em to make mischief, you may be sure. Women are the devil, sometimes." Mr. Porne smiled without answer, and Mr.

You know I've always meant to get the girl's room fixed more prettily, but usually they don't seem to mind. And as to food you see she knows all about the cost of things, and the materials she consumes are really not more than two dollars and a half a week, if they are that. She even made some figures for me to prove it see." Mr. Porne had to laugh. "Breakfast.

Ree admitted, adding hastily, "But one is glad to do it to make home attractive." Mr. Porne's eyes sought his wife's, and love and contentment flashed between them, as she quietly set upon the table three silvery plates. "Not silver, surely!" said Mrs. Ree, lifting hers, "Oh, aluminum." "Aluminum, silver plated," said Mr. Porne. "They've learned how to do it at last.

Porne, and also to Mrs. Porne, in regard to a new, specially built club-house for the girls. "I have proved what they can do, with me to manage them, and want now to prove that they can do it themselves, with any matron competent to follow my directions.

"It's no wages, of course and no recommendation, when you leave like that but what else can a girl do, if she's honest?" So Diantha learned, made friends and laid broad foundations. The excellence of her cocking was known to many, thanks to the weekly "entertainments." No one refused. No one regretted acceptance. Never had Mrs. Porne enjoyed such a sense of social importance.

"If you only would!" she said. "I am sure it would shed light on this great subject!" Miss Bell smiled at them both and looked at Mrs. Porne inquiringly. "I should be delighted to have you do it," said her employer. "I know it would be very useful." "Is there any date set?" asked Miss Bell. "Any Wednesday after February," said Mrs. Dankshire. "Well I will come on the first Wednesday in April.