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An altar had been raised; and upon it was the golden service, a little apart the font, and upon either side of the long gallery were flowers banked 'neath specially honoured portraits. At the appointed hour the children defiled down the long room, then came the other guests, and finally Sir Julian Pomphrey in his robe of office Father Pomphrey, so elegant, loving, good; a princely priest.

Ah! but thou art great folk, and, as Dent hath said, such people 'spend their time in tricking and trimming, pricking and pinning, pranking and pouncing, girding and lacing and braving up themselves in most exquisite manner; these doubled and redoubled ruffles, these strouting fardingales, long locks and fore tufts; it was never a good world since starching and steeling, buskes and whalebones, supporters and rebatoes, full moons and hobbyhorses came into use. I doubt not that Father Pomphrey himself will demur at such cruelty."

"Dear Father Pomphrey " Then for a moment the Duchess looked with a far-away expression out upon the snow-covered landscape, then, on a sudden, she said, almost pettishly, "But, Janet, what keeps the chest?" "Perhaps 'tis Providence." "What dost mean; how Providence?" "Thou hast ordered the robe to be so perfect, so in accordance with the Royal mode, the child will be in torment.

"Why, here is a flower!" and the child lifted a crushed immortelle from the parquetry and gave it to the priest, who quickly made the sign of the cross and said something almost inaudible about the flower being prophetic; and then he leant close to the child's ear, saying, "Will Lady Margaret do something for Father Pomphrey?" "Aye, anything "

"Surely," said he, "the day is not far when I shall kill that devil Pomphrey," His groom had seen Sir Julian full in the face at a small opening in the trees. "Sh!" said Dempsy, "there is other work for thee now. 'Tis best for thee to bide here awhile, at least until a courier shall return from the tree, where thou sayest thy cousin will place the billet.

Mar laugh; she already feels quite jealous because we are the first to have Father Pomphrey. And methinks, Janet, now that she is in expectancy she will so vibrate 'twixt France and England, fearing she will not be near Father Pomphrey for the christening that little Julian and François will forget which is home." "She need not do that; he could go to France."

"If the eye of the nurse doth not perjure its owner, I would say she was safe for all time." "Good " "But, Pomphrey, one would wonder at thy devotion to Cedric?" "I loved him, first." "That does not say thou lovest thy second love better, eh?" "By heaven, I love her, there thou hast it." Buckingham gave vent to his natural inclination and laughed boldly. "Then, follow her.

"Nay, not so; for he leaves at once for Rome and will not return to England ere summer, meaning not to stop at all in France." "Ah! that makes me think of what I heard him say to Monsieur St. Mar in the nursery. 'Twas something about a christening. Monsieur said: 'Thou art expected at Crandlemar Castle? and Father Pomphrey answered: 'Aye, sometime before next Michaelmas."

It does not take much of a memory to think back seven years!" "Seven years! Why, Janet, thou art growing old!" "Nay, sweet Mistress; but the two generations I now nurse are very young." "'Tis true. But what thinkest thou could detain the chest? Father Pomphrey cannot be kept waiting for a christening robe. And to think of Lady Ann being baptized in a common frock! 'Twould make Bettie St.

"She is, I presume, by now, the Countess Cantemir made so by an Abbé at the monastery." Pomphrey was a-road; the clatter of bit and spur brought a smile to Constance' face, and she cried forth with all the venom in her poor, foul being: "Two mad fools, both gone crazy over a convent wench, who is now my Lady Cantemir my cousin, the wife of a fortune hunter!"