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BRUNO. No hay necesidad de que yo baje ... que su merced se quedó de centinela en la puerta principal de los Basilios, y así con una seña que yo le haga desde aquella ventana con el pañuelo.... DOÑA MATILDE. Con el pañuelo no, que quizá no lo advierta ... toma esta sábana.... BRUNO. Venga. DON EDUARDO. Apretemos otro poco el tornillo.

Leslie; and for a girl who has no one else in her head to talk of detesting a well-looking, well-dressed, clever young man, is a nonsense 'Chi lascia il poco per haver l'assai ne l'uno, ne l'altro avera mai' which may be thus paraphrased, The young lady who refuses a mortal in the hope of obtaining an angel, loses the one, and will never fall in with the other.

"If we work both of them out -finding Esther and proving who killed your uncle I think we'll learn that it's all the same mystery, anyhow," Rose said, drawing on her gloves. Cole nodded sagely. "You've said somethin', Rose." "Say when, not if, we work 'em out. We'll be cuttin' hot trail poco tempo," Kirby prophesied, smiling up at them. Kirby stared down at the document in front of him.

France, after Italy, appeared in the language of the latter country poco simpatica; and I thought it necessary, for reasons now inconceivable, to read the Figaro, which was filled with descriptions of the horrible Troppmann, the murderer of the famille Kink. Troppmann, Kink, le crime de Pantin the very names that figured in this episode seemed to wave me back.

Leslie; and for a girl who has no one else in her head to talk of detesting a well-looking, well-dressed, clever young man, is a nonsense 'Chi lascia il poco per haver l'assai ne l'uno, ne l'altro avera mai' which may be thus paraphrased, The young lady who refuses a mortal in the hope of obtaining an angel, loses the one, and will never fall in with the other.

By and by he had bought another piece of land for fifty pesos and then poco a poco for forty pesos some more. Then for twenty-four pesos and fifty centavos he had bought a cow, and the vaca before long gave them a fine calf and twelve cuartillos of milk a day. So that he was able to buy another heifer and then an ox and finally another ox and Whack!

Anyhow, he says to come in, gruff-like, an' to wait, poco tiempo. "Well, we waited moucho tiempo muy moucho, all a-settin' on the edge of the sofy, with our hats on our knees, like philly-loo birds on a rail, and a-countin' of the patterns in the wall-paper to pass the time along.

Adam watched his co-worker toil over the sheaves, and then took them from her and pitched them on the stack haphazard. "You shall not bother over it any more," he said, "not if we live on hominy all winter. Have you ever been in Mexico? Well, Hawaii was called the land of poco tempo, but Mexico was the land of mañana. There isn't any work there for the work's sake.

"Laddie," said Phineas, standing on the hearthrug, his hands on his hips, "if you had posed the question in the polite language of the precincts of Durdlebury Cathedral, I might have been at a loss to reply. But the manly invocation of hell shows me that your foot is already on the upward path. If you had prefaced it by the adjective that gives colour to all the aspirations of the British Army, it would have been better. But I'm not reproaching you, laddie. Poco

Howard laughed. 'We're right near Superstition Pool! he informed them with suddenly assumed gravity. 'Down in Poco Poco they tell some great tales about the old Indian gods going man-hunting by moonlight. Quién sabe, huh? Professor Longstreet snorted. Helen cast a quick, interested look at the stranger and one of near triumph upon her father.