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She towered over him, pinker than her pink muslin. The ruffles seemed agitated all over her slender, girlish figure, like the plumage of an angry bird. She caught her small brother by the shoulders, and shook him violently, until the dark hair which he wore rather long waved and his whole head wagged. "Eddy Carroll," she cried, "aren't you ashamed of yourself? Oh, aren't you ashamed of yourself?

She told Tyson that she was sorry to leave a good master and mistress, but she never could abide the town. No more could Pinker. And she must go where there was a baby. Then Swinny, having shaken the dust of Thorneytoft from her virtuous feet, called on every member of her family, and told to each the same unvarying tale.

Tyson sent him to the right-about, she waited till her husband's back was turned, then she wrote to him to come. And, as if nothing else would serve her, she had him up in the nursery when her little baby was dying. They were actually whispering the two of them, and making eyes at each other over the child's coffin. Why, Pinker, he caught 'em in the library the very day of the funeral.

Was it fancy that her husband's physical attributes had changed since he had attained his new position of dignity? She could have sworn that he had visibly swollen on the evening when he had announced to her his promotion, and he seemed to have remained swollen. Not bloated, of course: he was fatter, and if possible pinker. But there was a growing suggestion in him of humming-and-hawing greatness.

And after sitting thus for some time, he would half turn, look over his shoulder, and remark in indifferent tones to the girl within: "Oh, good-evenin'! I forgot yo', " and then resume his conversation. While the girl within, her face a little pinker, her lips a little tighter, and her chin a little higher, would go about her business, pretending neither to hear nor care.

Her face was suddenly pinker than any rose that ever bloomed. With an impulse absolutely novel to him the Senior Surgeon turned and swung his little daughter very gently to his shoulder. "Your Aunt Agnes is coming to stay with you in just about ten minutes!" he affirmed. "That's what's going to happen to you! And maybe there'll be a pony a white pony."

Minks returned the stare with triumph. 'Unconscious transference! he said. 'You really think that? his master asked, yet not mockingly. Minks turned a shade pinker. 'I do, indeed, sir, he replied warmly. 'I think it probable that the thoughts of people you have never seen or heard of drop into your mind and colour it.

But low and white and irregular with a verandah running along in front, it had red curtains that would draw over the lower halves of the windows and hints of chintz at the upper portions; the door was open and revealed a tall clock in the hall, a stand of flowers, and a cat asleep in a large round chair; at one side a flight of steps led down to the kitchen door at which a buxom maid in bare arms stood in a pink gown and a pinker face, and at the other side was the boarded square that held the pump the village pump around which were gathered five or six bare-footed children, the hostler of the Inn, the village butcher, tailor, and cobbler.

Then Terry remembered something. "Oh, that's where her nuts went to!" he cried. "Heart's Delight gave 'em to Chip! We couldn't think what she'd done with 'em all." The pink colour was growing pinker very pink indeed. "Yes, that's where," said Silence, leaning over to squeeze one of Heart's Delight's little hands. And sure enough, it was.

"No," answered Henry, "but it's getting crinklier and crinklier and she looks pinker and pinker, and prettier and prettier, and you ought to see her in her new purple sweater. She sprang that on the boat this afternoon! It's laying 'em out in swaths!" Henry's affinity was afraid to turn off his back.