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'Frog, the darky, had married when he quit the colonel's service, and at the time of this fair there was a pickaninny in his family about a year old, and nearly the color of a new saddle.

The Colonel seemed never to have learned that the old slave days were over and that he no longer owned the negroes body and soul. His government of the plantation was in the manner of a despot. Everybody from his own son to the merest pickaninny was at the mercy of his caprice.

I know all about pumpkins." With that the pickaninny commenced to jump up and down on one, but he was so light that he could not break it. He kept jumping higher and higher; now he was bouncing up ten feet in the air, then fifteen, then twenty, until at last he leaped up as high as the top of the oak-tree, and coming down, he struck his heels through the pumpkin.

Robert Waite would he let you stay here?" Sylvia asked eagerly. "I reckon he would, Missy. But who's a-gwine to pay wages for a pickaninny like me? Nobuddy! Missy, I'se a-gwine to run off an' hide myself 'til the Yankee soldiers comes and sets us free," said Estralla. "You can't do that. But don't be frightened, Estralla. I have thought of something. I will hire you!

"How many eyes?" he asked. "One," said the Garuly. "How many leaves?" he said, again. "Four," returned the Pickaninny. "Then let them in that they may see the Great Panjandrum himself, and learn whether there be a bag of gold at the end of the rainbow." Saying this the Joblily went under the water and the gate opened.

Here a mess." Pomp was about to jump into the pool to wash the mud from his legs, when he suddenly clapped his hands. "Oh, here's game, Mass' George; only look. Dat's ole 'gator's house a water, where he keep all 'um lil pickaninny. Look at 'um." Sure enough, there were five or six small alligators at the far end little fellows not very long out of the shell.

After all, it was a return boy. In a day, in two days at most, he would have him landed and be quit of him. "My word," he harangued, "me angry along you. Me angry big fella too much along you. Me angry along you any amount. What name you fella boy make 'm pickaninny dog belong along me walk about along water?" Lerumie was unable to answer.

And, stringing the fish, Dan took the other pole and turned his eyes to his corks, while the pickaninny squatted behind him and Chad climbed up and sat on the bank letting his legs dangle over. When Dan caught a fish he would fling it with a whoop high over the bank. After the third fish, the lad was mollified and got over his ill-temper. He turned to Chad. "Want to fish?"

A pickaninny the queerest little mite even ventured to poke a tiny finger into the ribs of one of the three. After that there was a great pow-wow. Mr.

"Co'se Becky went on some 'bout losin' her man, but she could n' he'p herse'f; en 'sides dat, she had her pickaninny fer ter comfo't her. Dis yer little Mose wuz de cutes', blackes', shiny-eyedes' little nigger you eber laid eyes on, en he wuz ez fon' er his mammy ez his mammy wuz er him. Co'se Becky had ter wuk en did n' hab much time ter was'e wid her baby.