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In the final of the Somnambula, she brought about a most remarkable effect at the words: Ah! non guinge uman pensiero Al contento ond 'io son piena. Here, in imitation of Malibran, she modified the original phrase of Bellini, so as to let her voice descend to the tenor G, when, by a rapid transition, she struck the G above the treble stave, springing over an interval of two octaves.

In a dissertation on the Bucolic poetry of the Greeks, he shews that species of composition to have been derived from the ancient comedy; and exposes the dream of a golden age. La bella eta dell' or unqua non venne, Nacque da nostre menti Entro il vago pensiero, E nel nostro desio chiaro divenne. Guidi.

"Non posso mai dimenticare la sua squisita cortesia ed il gentile pensiero che nutre a mio riguardo. La prego credere che io sono ora, e per tutta la mia vita saro, a Lei legato di affezione, divozione e rispetto. I replied in a letter of congratulation to the bride and bridegroom, wishing them every happiness, sending them a wedding present and promising to come and see them as soon as possible.

"Nuovo pensiero dentro a me si mise, Dal qual più altri nacquero e diversi; E tanto di uno in altro vaneggiai Che gli occhi per vaghezza ricopersi, E il pensamento in sogno trasmutai." So Dante writes in the "Purgatorio" with deep and subtle truth. Each man can verify for himself the exactness of the great poet's description.

Why is it that in varying so agreeably Renaissance themes compare the "Military Courage" and Michael Angelo's "Pensiero," or the "Charity" and the same group in Della Quercia's fountain at Sienna it is restraint, rather than audacity, that governs him? Is it caution or perversity?

This will be the achievement of socialism, and, to repeat, for this, the fullest and most fruitful interpretation of the inexorable natural laws discovered by Darwinism, we are indebted to socialism. NOVICOW, Les luttes entre sociétés, leurs phases successives, Paris, 1893. LERDA, La lotta per la vita, in Pensiero italiano, Milan, Feb. and March, 1894.

At Florence Michael Angelo executed for Pope Clement VII., another Medici, the mortuary chapel of San Lorenzo, with its six great statues, those of the cousins Lorenzo de Medici and Giuliano de Medici, the first called by the Florentines 'Il Pensièro, or 'Pensive Thought, with the four colossal recumbent figures named respectively the Night, the Morning, the Dawn, and the Twilight.

The prince willingly agreed to the proposal; and the doctor, debating on the subject he should choose, turned to Salvator and begged that he would not lay pencil to canvas, until he, the Signor Dottore, should find leisure to dictate to him il pensiero e concetto della sua pittura, the idea and conceit of his picture! Salvator bowed a modest acquiescence, and went on with his sketch.

The statue of Lorenzo must ever rank as one of the world's masterpieces. The Italians call it "Il Pensiero." The sullen strength of the attitude gives one a vague ominous impulse to get away. Some one has said that it fulfils Milton's conception of Satan brooding over his plans for the ruin of mankind.

Assuredly but dust and shade we are, Assuredly desire is blind and brief, Assuredly its hope but ends in death. In a later strain he rises to that dream which is more than earth's realities. "Levommi il mio pensiero." Dreams bore my fancy to that region where She dwells whom here I seek, but cannot see. 'Mid those who in the loftiest heaven be I looked on her, less haughty and more fair.