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In his very valuable contribution to the history of the cause, Théodore Duret, the biographer and friend of Whistler and Manet has in his Les Peintres Impressionistes held the scales very much in favour of Manet's priority in the field over Monet.

Sur les grils et dans les cass'roles Sautent le veau, et les oeufs et les soles. Le bon vin rouge et l'Saint-Marceaux Feront gaiment galoper nos pinceaux! Digue, dingue, donne! L'heure sonne. Digue, dingue, di.... C'est midi! Voici vos peintres, Dam' jolie Qui vont pour vous debiter leur folie. Ils ont tous lache l'escabeau Sont frais, sont fiers, sont propres et tres beaux!

<b>BOURRILLON-TOURNAY, MME. JEANNE.</b> Medal of the second class at Exposition Universelle at Lyons; silver medal at Versailles; honorable mention at Paris Salon, 1896; the two prizes of the Union des Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs les Palmes Académique, 1895; the Rosette of an Officer of the Public Instruction in 1902.

Ever-picturesque argot has given them a name of ridicule, and calls them les peintres and their brooms their inspired brushes. Every tourist has seen those unhappy wretches at work, sometimes alone, sometimes in gangs of three or four, men and women together. There is no distinction of sex in this branch of industry, as indeed there is in none of the lowest fields of labor in Paris.

Member of the Société des Artistes Français and of l'Union des femmes peintres et sculpteurs. Born at Charleville, Ardennes, in 1878. Pupil of Gabriel Thurner, Benjamin-Constant, Jean Paul Laurens, and Victor Marec.

This wild melody had been improvised by the group of painters, but revised and corrected by poet friends. Here it is: Oh! Peintres de la Dam' jolie, De vos pinceaux arretez la folie! Il faut descendr' des escabeaux, Vous nettoyer et vous faire tres beaux! Digue, dingue, donne! L'heure sonne. Digue, dingue, di.... C'est midi!

Member of the Société des Artistes Français and the Union des femmes peintres et sculpteurs. Born at Marseilles. Her father was Swiss and her mother a Miss Rogers of Boston. She was a pupil for three months of Antonin-Carlès, Paris. With this exception, Mme.

Je suis alle hier a Manchester ou j'avais a faire; j'y ai vu quelques tableaux et je suis de plus en plus convaincu que la meilleure chose pour moi est de peindre plutot dans le genre des vrais peintres Francais que dans celui de nos Pre-Raphaelites, ces realistes impitoyables qui ne nous epargnent pas un brin de gazon." This letter contains a strong proof of his mind's artistic evolution.

A strong young fisherwoman, standing in the water, draws out her net filled with shells, seaweed, and other products of the sea, while two nude children again a boy and a girl are selecting what pleases them in the mother's net. At the exhibition of Les Femmes Peintres et Sculpteurs, in February, 1903, Mme. Demont-Breton exhibited the "Head of a Young Girl," which attracted much attention.

The number of volumes and essays written by Jules Claretie surpasses imagination, and it is, therefore, almost impossible to give a complete list. As a historian he has selected mostly revolutionary subjects. To the same category belong: Moliere, sa Vie et ses OEuvres ; Peintres et Sculpteurs Contemporains, and T. B. Carpeaux ; L'Art et les Artistes Contemporains , and others.