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It was Mr Pecksniff's; and Mr Pecksniff was in a hurry too, for he came bounding up with such uncommon expedition that he stumbled twice or thrice. 'Where is my venerable friend? he cried upon the upper landing; and then with open arms came darting in. Old Martin merely looked at him; but Mr Pecksniff started back as if he had received the charge from an electric battery.

A general direction, I suppose, to Mr Pinch at Mr Pecksniff's will that find you? 'That'll find me, said Tom. 'You had better put Esquire to Mr Pecksniff's name, if you please. Direct to me, you know, at Seth Pecksniff's, Esquire. 'At Seth Pecksniff's, Esquire, repeated Mr Tigg, taking an exact note of it with a stump of pencil. 'We said this week, I believe?

Nor is this tribute to the reclaimed animals in question so wide a digression into the realms of Natural History as it may, at first sight, appear to be; for the present business of these pages in with the dragon who had his retreat in Mr Pecksniff's neighbourhood, and that courteous animal being already on the carpet, there is nothing in the way of its immediate transaction.

They agreed that they would go to Salisbury, and would cross to Mr Pecksniff's in the morning; and at the prospect of deluding that worthy gentleman, the spirits of his amiable son-in-law became more boisterous than ever. As the night wore on, the thunder died away, but still rolled gloomily and mournfully in the distance.

But trust me, said Tom, 'that I am not ungrateful that I never forget and that if I can ever prove the truth of my words to you, I will. 'That's all right, observed Martin, leaning back in his chair with a hand in each pocket, and yawning drearily. 'Very fine talking, Tom; but I'm at Pecksniff's, I remember, and perhaps a mile or so out of the high-road to fortune just at this minute.

There was a little chaffing going on I hope you don't consider that a low expression, Miss Pecksniff; it is always in our gentlemen's mouths a little chaffing going on, my dear, among 'em, all in good nature, when suddenly he rose up, foaming with his fury, and but for being held by three would have had Mr Jinkins's life with a bootjack. Miss Pecksniff's face expressed supreme indifference.

That she had received Miss Pecksniff's note with unalloyed delight, because she never had attached the least importance to the paltry and insignificant jealousies with which herself and circle had been assailed; otherwise than as she had found them, in the contemplation, a harmless source of innocent mirth.

She was much flurried by the haste she had made, and laboured under the most erroneous views of cabriolets, which she appeared to confound with mail-coaches or stage-wagons, inasmuch as she was constantly endeavouring for the first half mile to force her luggage through the little front window, and clamouring to the driver to 'put it in the boot. When she was disabused of this idea, her whole being resolved itself into an absorbing anxiety about her pattens, with which she played innumerable games at quoits on Mr Pecksniff's legs.

Why that fellow, Lewsome, can invent 'em for you by the score. Is this all? Have you nothing else? Old Martin looked at him steadily. 'Whether you are what you seemed to be at Pecksniff's, or are something else and a mountebank, I don't know and I don't care, said Jonas, looking downward with a smile, 'but I don't want you here.

Perhaps in no place in the world were so many gorgeous edifices of this class erected as under Mr Pecksniff's auspices; and if but one-twentieth part of the churches which were built in that front room, with one or other of the Miss Pecksniffs at the altar in the act of marrying the architect, could only be made available by the parliamentary commissioners, no more churches would be wanted for at least five centuries.