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Scotch humor ripping chauffeur silence, "yon was a thing to make a sober body young again; a while agone I don't know but I was feelin' like the last o' pea-time; an' an', noo, I'm a green pea again,... or I would be but for the one sair memory," added Andrew, the true-penny, under his breath.

Some ob dese folks calls em nigger teachers, an' won't hab nuffin to do wid 'em, but I jis' thinks dey's splendid. But dere's some triflin' niggers down yere who'll sell der votes for almost nuffin. Does you 'member Jake Williams an' Gundover's Tom? Well dem two niggers is de las' ob pea-time. Dey's mighty small pertaters an' few in a hill."

"Oh, Peter, is it about the play?" I gasped as I fairly hung on to his arm while he was languidly giving my traveling-bag to a footman. Peter looked like a literary version of what Sam called "the last of pea-time," which is a very vivid expression to a person who has just seen her poor peas drop away in the August garden. "What has happened?" "I care nothing more about the play, Betty.

DON' KNOW AS I KNOW: the nearest your true Yankee ever comes to acknowledging ignorance. GANDER-PARTY: a social gathering of men only. New England. LAP-TEA: where the guests are too many to sit at table. Massachusetts. LAST OF PEA-TIME: day after fair. Massachusetts. MOONGLADE: a beautiful word for the track of moonlight on the water. Massachusetts. OFF-OX: an unmanageable fellow. New England.

Thah she a-set'n' on a pile o' ceda'-tree poles, lookin' like the las' o' pea-time p-he-he-he! "Majo' Gyarnit? O yass, seh, he thah, too. Thass how come I lingud thah, seh, yass, seh, in espiration o' Johanna. Mr. Mahch, I loves that creatu' yit, seh! I means Johanna." "Oh! not Major Garnet," laughed John, gathering the reins. Cornelius sputtered with delight, and kept between the wheels. "Mr.

Buck Peavey have just passed by looking like the last of pea-time and the first of frost. I do declare it were right down funny to see Pattie toss her head at him, and them boys both giggled out loud. He ain't spoke to Pattie for a week 'cause she sang outen Sam Mosbey's hymn-book last Wednesday night at prayer meeting. He've got a long-meter doxology face for sure."

Poor 'Fly! the last of pea-time, who looks like an animated hair- trunk and the wagon and harness to match! It is too funny, but we enjoy it hugely. There are now in our solitude five Northern families, and we manage to have quite pleasant society. "But think of our church and school-house being burned down just as we were ready to do something with it.