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Updated: January 9, 2025

The old folk young then who remembered the bright summer festival of twenty-four years ago told many a tale of that day, and how the "puir wee earl" came forward in his little chair and made his brief speech, every word and every promise of which his after life had so faithfully fulfilled. "The heir's a wise-like lad, and a braw lad," said the old folks of the clachan, patronizingly.

The hurry in this matter always did surprise me a little. But I forbid you ever breathing a word to your brother. You see what a foolish husband I am to trust you with secrets," and he laughs. "No, you are not foolish. Of course I should never speak of it to Floyd," she says, reflectively. She would never have the courage. "Well, that is all right," patronizingly. "I dare say the rest know it.

"I'm sure I'm glad to see you, Glory," said Mrs. Grubbling patronizingly; "and I hope you've been doing well since you went away from me." As if she had been doing so especially well before, that there might easily be a doubt as to whether going farther had not been faring worse. I have no question that Mrs.

She smiled rather patronizingly as she looked, and at the same time seemed delighted. Her slowly curving upper lip and half-closed eyes seemed to say: "You're gay, you're exciting, you are quite the right sort of thing; but you're none too fine for me!"

"But the negro how could you get a man to undergo arrest on such a serious charge, attempted murder!" exclaimed Stevens. "There, there," said Steinert, patronizingly; "coons has more genteel home life in jail than they does out. An' don't forget the District of Columbia is governed by folks that ain't residents of it, only durin' the session.

Three cheers for Charlie, our faithful watchman! I nominate Charlie for honorary sentinel." The cheers were delivered, and Charlie was declared by the president to have been unanimously chosen honorary sentinel. "You see, boys," said Sid, patronizingly, "I don't know what would have become of you if it hadn't been for me.

For diversion, he saw himself scampering over the country on horseback on visits to the friendly neighbours, entertaining frequently himself and entertained everywhere. As for Helene Spenceley she would soon learn the manner of man she had belittled! This frame of mind was responsible for the fact that when he had finished dressing and gone below he spoke patronizingly to Mr.

"Why, haven't you seen him yet?" cried the dimpler, in surprise. "I supposed, of course, he would come here first before seeing me. Why, I'm quite proud." "No," returned Rita; "I have not seen him." "He'll come this evening, I'm sure," said Sukey, patronizingly. "I have company to-night. He's looking well, though he was sick for three or four weeks at an inn near Wheeling.

The truth began to dawn on the quick-witted girl, but De Forrest said, patronizingly, "It requires a cultivated taste to appreciate such music as you were singing, Miss Lottie." "It is not with the music probably, but my rendering of it, that Mr. Hemstead finds fault." "Two of the airs were new to me, and the other I have heard but seldom," said Hemstead, evasively.

"You should try to put them in order," Mr. Perry went on, playing with his handsome watch chain and smiling patronizingly on Faith. "You are quite old enough to attend to such duties. MY little daughter at home is only ten and she is already an excellent little housekeeper and the greatest help and comfort to her mother. She is a very sweet child. I wish you had the privilege of her acquaintance.

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