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How will you use him? He could never do Buckeye stuff." "Sure not. But ain't I told you? In this new piece Jack is stage struck and gets a job as valet to a ham that's just about Parmalee's type, and we show Parmalee acting in the screen, but all straight stuff, you understand. Unless he's a wise guy he'll go all through the piece and never get on that it's funny.

"He's even more of a sleepy head than you are." "Tired out, I guess," conjectured the captain. "This storm has used us all up pretty well." Ruth summoned Namco and told him to knock on Mr. Parmalee's door. The Japanese was back in a minute. "Honorable gent no ansler," he reported. "That's queer," remarked the captain. "I'll step there myself." He returned promptly, looking very grave.

He was no longer the Buck Benson of the open spaces, but the foremost idol of the shadowed stage, and in Harold Parmalee's best manner he informed the aspiring Montague girl that he could not accept her as leading lady in his next picture because she lacked experience. The wager of a kiss was laughingly made as she promised that within ten days she would convince him of her talent.

Then very quietly inquired: "Where did it happen, Steward?" The steward, wringing out the mop into the dark water of his bucket, looked up. There were beads of sweat upon his bronzed, wrinkled brow. Yet the day was not warm. "Wot, sir?" he queried. "Where did it happen?" "Wot happen sir?" "Young Parmalee's suicide." Blake spoke quietly, calmly. The steward's eyes shifted. "Suicide, sir?" he said.

And that doubt, if it remained, whether Drew was ever tried for the crime of Parmalee's murder or not, just as surely put Ruth out of his grasp as though his hands actually dripped of the dead man's blood. Captain Hamilton would never see his daughter marry a man under such a cloud.

Ruth was sobbing, and could not speak, but her little hand stole into the young man's, and he grasped it convulsively. "I can't believe that you did it either, Drew," declared the captain; but there was a lack of heartiness in his tone that Drew was quick to detect. "I'll have to look into the whole matter as carefully as I know how. Parmalee's disappearance must be accounted for.

But there was hospitable Vera Villalonga and her dreadful New Year's dance, and there were the Bowditch dinner and the Hoyt dinner and the Parmalee's dance for Katrina. Unwillingly the beautiful Mrs. Gregory yielded to the swift current, and presently they were caught in the rush of the season, and could not have withdrawn themselves except for serious cause.

The sneering mockery of the last taunt was too much for the fiery young prince of Kingsland. With the yell of an enraged tiger he sprung upon Mr. Parmalee, hurled him to the ground in a twinkling, and twisted his left hand into Mr. Parmalee's blue cotton neckerchief, showering blows with his right fast and furious. The attack was so swift and savage that Mr.

Looking from the window, he judged by the position of the stars that it was three or four o'clock in the morning. He sat upon the side of the bed, and sought, by listening intently, to penetrate the mystery of this untimely commotion. He thought he recognised the voice of Tip Watson, and he was sure he heard Sid Parmalee's peculiar cough and chuckle.

But now " here he paused. "Well, but now," repeated Tyke. "You know just as well as I do what I'm meaning," blurted out Captain Hamilton. "This matter of Parmalee's death has got to be cleared up before I'd even consider him in connection with Ruth. You can't blame me for that, Tyke." The old man's face clouded.